ADAPT: Active Awards
Title: Social Cognition Battery for Psychosis-Risk (SCB-PR): A Psychometric and Validation Study
PIs: Pinkham, Mittal
Co-Is/Consultants- Williams, Penn, Harvey
Project/l Start and End Date: 12/5/24-10/31/29
Total Direct Costs: $2.5 million
Major Goals: Develop a comprehensive battery of social cognitive tasks for youth at risk for psychosis
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) R01 120088
Title: CAPER: Computerized Assessment for Psychosis Risk 1R01MH120088-01A1
Principal Investigators: Vijay Mittal, Jim Gold,
Total Direct Costs: $8,125,402
Project: 4/01/2020-3/30/2025
Site PIs: Jim Gold, Vijay Mittal, Lauren Ellman, Gregory Strauss, Phil Corlett/Scott Woods
Co-Is: Elaine Walker, Steve Silverstein, Albert Powers, Rick Zinbarg, Shou Chen
Goal: To examine the value of including markers sensitive to disease course and amenable to computational approaches and utilize these to develop a new computerized battery for risk assessment of youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis.
National Institute of Mental Health R01MH134369
Title: Motor features of the voice as indicators of psychomotor agitation and retardation in current and remitted MDD
Dates: 4/2024-3/2029
MPI: Stewart A. Shankman, Vijay A Mittal, Matthew Goldrick
Co-Investigators: Yosi Keshet, Sebastian Walther
Total Direct Costs: 2.5 million
Goal: Examination of vocal features as a biomarker for motor symptoms and disease progression in affective disorders.
National Institute of Mental Health R01
Title: Estrogen and Mechanisms of Psychotic-like Experiences in the Transition to Adolescence
Dates: 7/1/2024-6/31/26
PI: Mittal
Co-Investigators: Katherine Damme, Daniel Mroczek, Jennifer Pfiefer
Total Direct Costs: 275k
Goal: Examine estrogen and psychosis-like experiences along with brain development and risk in the ABCD dataset.
National Institute of Mental Health R01MH116039-01A1
Title: Prodromal Inventory for Negative Symptoms: Development and Validation
Principal Investigator: Vijay Mittal, Greg Strauss
Project: 3/01/2019-11/30/2024 (NCE)
Total Direct Costs: $2,458,416
Co-Is: Elaine Walker, Brain Kirkpatrick, Bill Horan, Paul Grant, Rick Zinbarg
Goal: To develop a high sensitive inventory for detecting early negative symptomatology in youth at risk for psychotic disorders.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) U01 MH124639-01
Title: Psychosis-risk outcomes network: ProNET
Principal Investigators: Scott Woods (Yale), Carrie Bearden (UCLA), John Kane
Site PIs: Vijay Mittal (Northwestern), Fred Sabb (Oregon), William Stone (Harvard, Shanghai), Barbara Cornblatt (Northwell), Diana Perkins (UNC), Kristin Caadenhead (UCSD), , Jean Addington, (Calgary), Daniel Mathalon (UCSF), Monica Calkins/Daniel Wolf (Penn), Cheryl Corcoran, Mt. Sinai, Leslie Horton (Pittsburgh), Jason Schiffman (UMBC), Laruen Ellman, (Temple), Greg Strauss (UGA), Daniel Mamah (Washington University), Jimy Choi, Godfrey Pearlson (Hartford), , Jai Shah (Montreal), Paolo Fusar-Poli (Kings College, Pavia), Celso Arango (Madrid), Jesus Perez (Cambridge), Nikos Koutsouleris (Munich), Jun Soo Kwon (Seoul).
Co-Is: Stewart Shankman
Proposed Project Period: 9/1/20-8/2025
Total Direct Costs: 55 million (Northwestern Site Directs: 1.24 million)
Goal: Develop a treatment development network capable of examining treatment related biomarkers as well as mapping in-depth clinical outcome measures.
National Institute of Mental Health 1R01MH112545-01
Title: 2/3 Community psychosis risk screening: An instrument development study
Principal Investigator: Vijay Mittal, Lauren Ellman, Jason Schiffman
Project Period: 7/2017-7/2024 (NCE)
Total Direct Costs: $2,500,000.00
CO-Is: Thomas Olino, Waren Bilker
Goal: This study, including sites in Chicago, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, will recruit 12,000 adolescent and young adult participants with the aim of developing a screening designed to identify non help-seeking community youth who are likely to meet criteria for a psychosis risk syndrome.
National Institute of Mental Health R01 MH118741
Title: An examination of psychomotor disturbance in current and remitted MDD: An RDoC Study
PIs: Stewart Shankman, Vijay Mittal, Sebastian Walther
Total Direct Costs: $2,500,000
Project Period: 4/1/2019-3/31/2025 (NCE)
Co-Is: Jessica Bernard, Alex Leow
Consultant: Vinod Menon
Goal: Study motor symptoms in depression from RDoC Framework, and develop a mobile platform for utilizing these markers as an early identification/treatment decision informatics system.
National Institute of Mental Health R01
Title: Social Processing Deficits in Remitted Adolescent Depression Dates: 12/9-12/25 (NCE)
MPI: Corresponding PI: Randy P. Auerbach; PI: Stewart A. Shankman
Co-Investigators: Vijay Mittal; Jürgen Kayser; Laura Mufson; Linda Valeri; Nicholas Allen
Total Direct Costs: 2.5 million
Goal: examine several modalities of social processing, including a novel eye-tracking gestures social perception task.
Executive Committee for Training and High-Risk Research Programs
National Institute of Mental Health T32 MH126368
Title: Northwestern University Mental Health, Earlier: Transdiagnostic, Transdisciplinary, Translational Training Program in Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms of Psychopathology
PI: Shankman & Wakschlag
Date: 2021-2025
Role: Steering Committee
NIMH NURTURE Grant, 2022-2025
Title: Interventions for Changes in Emotions, Perceptions and Thinking (Intercept)- Foundation and Sate Supported Clinical High-Risk Research Clinic
Date: 2023-Presnt
Director: Steve Silverstein
Site: University of Rochester, Department of Psychiatry
Role: Advisory Board Member
PIs: Melissa Simon, Eric Perrault, Clyde Yancy
Role: Leadership Council, Scientific Neighborhood Faculty, Brain, Mind, and Behavior
Goal: transform culture at NIH-funded extramural institutions by building a self-reinforcing community of scientists committed to diversity and inclusive excellence.
Mentored Awards
NIMH National Research Service Award. NRSA 1F32MH139246
Title: The role of mental imagery in perceptual abnormality formation in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis
Danielle Pratt 2024-2026
Mentor: Mittal, Corlett
Goal: To examine computational processes related to perceptual abnormalities in CHR individuals.
NIMH National Research Service Award. NRSA 1F31MH139284
Title: EEG coherence as a biomarker for Psychomotor Disturbance and Course of Depression
Vanessa Zarubin 2024-2026
Mentor: Mittal, Shankman
Goal: To examine neural correlates of psychomotor retardation in depression utilizing resting state EEG.
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, NARSAD Young Investigator Award
Principle Investigator: Danielle Pratt
Project Period: 1/15/2025-1/14/27
Total Direct Costs: $60,000
Goal: To determine the cognitive contributions to the experience of perceptual aberrations in those at risk for psychosis.
Mentor: Mittal
National Institute of Aging, Transition to Aging Research for Predoctoral Students (F99/K00) Award 1F99AG088569-01
Title: Precision mapping of functional networks in healthy and pathological aging
Dates: 2024-2025
Sponsors: Gratton, Mittal
Goal: To examine and characterize individual differences in functional brain networks during healthy aging (pre-doctoral phase) and pathological aging (post-doctoral phase)
NIMH Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award. K23MH129607
Title: Clarifying the Role of Psychomotor Retardation in Reward-Based Reinforcement Learning Deficits in MDD: A Computational and fMRI Study
Allison Letkiewicz 2022-2027
Mentor: Mittal, Shankman
Goal: To examine the impact of psychomotor slowing on reward-based reinforcement learning in depression
Completed Research Support
Brain Behavior Research Foundation Independent Investigator Award, (NARSAD)
Title: Brain stimulation targeting cerebellar-cortical circuits and verbal working memory in psychosis
Principal Investigator: Vijay Mittal
Project Period: 3/15/2018-3/14/2023 (NCE)
Total Direct Costs: $100,000
Co-I: Jessica Bernard
Goal: A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), double-blind cross over study designed to determine if targeted cerebellar brain stimulation will normalize brain activation and behavioral task performance in individuals with schizophrenia performing a verbal working memory task.
National Institute of Mental Health R21 MH115231
Title: High-Risk Psychosis Youth and Caregivers: Emotion in Interaction
Principal Investigators: Claudia Haase, Vijay A Mittal
Project Period: 9/2017-8/30/2022 (NCE)
Total Direct Costs: $275,000
Goal: Project will examine adolescents at high-risk for psychosis and caretakers in a dyadic interaction task to evaluate if patterns of aberrant emotional arousal and regulation predict course of illness.
National Institute of Mental Health R21, Supplement
Title: High-Risk Psychosis Youth and Caregivers: Emotion in Interaction
PIs: Haase, Mittal
Project Period: 9/2017-8/30/2022 (NCE)
Total Direct Costs: $30,000
Goal: To evaluate interactive variables from pairs of care-taker/youth in the context of clinical course.
National Institute of Mental Health R21 MH119677
Title: Language features and High-Risk Psychosis Youth
Principal Investigators: Matthew Goldrick, Vijay A Mittal
Project Period: 4/2019-12/31/2023 (NCE)
Total Direct Costs: $275,000
Goal: Project will examine vocal features from the perspective that they may represent a sign of motor dysfunction in youth at high risk for psychosis. We will use a computational approach to linguistic feature and pattern analysis and follow high-risk youth over time to track course and develop predictive models.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services SAMHSA CHP-R Federal Grant SM-18-012
Title: Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention with Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
Total Direct Costs: $1,600,000
PIs: State of Illinois, Thresholds
Project Period: 12/2018-11/2022
Consultant: Mittal, Hooker
Goal: To implement a stepped care model to treatment of prodromal syndromes in the Illinois healthcare system.
Northwestern Weinberg College Research and Innovation Grant W Award
Title: Using motor control disruptions in speech to predict risk for psychotic disorders
Direct Costs: $35,000
Project Period: 9/2017-8/2018
Goal: To develop software for analyzing speech patterns indicating increased risk for psychosis.
National Institute of Mental Health Translational Research for the Development of Novel Interventions for Mental Disorders: R21/R33 Award, MH103231
Title: Exercise and markers of medial temporal health in youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis
Principal Investigators: Vijay Mittal, Ph.D., Angela Bryan
Project Period: 07/2014-6/2020 (NCE)
Total Direct Costs: $850,000
Co-I: Randal Ross, M.D.
Goal: To test feasibility and to design a pilot controlled trial investigation of cardiovascular exercise and medial temporal neurogenesis and cognitive/functioning remediation in youth at high-risk for schizophrenia.
National Institute of Mental Health R21 MH110374
Title: Neural Habituation in Ultra High-Risk Youth
Principal Investigators: Vijay Mittal
Project Period: 4/2017-3/30/2021 (NCE Y2)
Total Direct Costs: $275,000
Co-Is: Timothy Curran, Robin Nusslock
Consultant: Holly Earls
Goal: This project will examine how neural habituation (i.e., a decrease in neural activation to repeated stimuli) is related to social processing deficits in ultra high-risk youth (UHR), a group at imminent risk for transitioning to a psychotic disorder. The project utilizes electroencephalography (EEG) to examine whether neural habituation abnormalities in the P100 component (associated with early visual perception), and N170 repetition effect (associated with visual object recognition and learning) are specific to social stimuli (emotional and/or neutral faces) or generalize to non-face objects.
National Institute of Health, R01MH094650
Project Title: Motor Measures of Basal Ganglia and Cerebellar Circuit Dysfunction in Psychosis
Principal Investigator: Vijay A. Mittal, Ph.D.
Project Period: 06/01/2011-02/29/2018
Total Direct Cost: $1,820,544
CO-Is: Randal Ross, M.D., Marie Banich Ph.D.
Goal: Investigate spontaneous movement abnormalities as a potential biomarker for white matter and grey matter development components of frontal-subcortical circuits, in adolescents at high-risk for psychosis.
Northwestern Data Science Initiative Award
Title: Automated analysis of vocal characteristics for early detection of schizophrenia
Total Award: $30,000
Dates: 06/2016-05/2017
P.Is: Matthew Goldrick, Emily Cibelli, Vijay Mittal
Goal: To Evaluate early motor dysfunction in speech signifying risk for psychosis.
Buffett Institute for Global Study, Scholars in Israel Collaboration
Title: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Predicting Schizophrenia
P.Is: Matthew Goldrick, Vijay Mittal, Emily Cibelli, Joseph Keshet, Yossi Adi, Jennifer Cole
Date: 06/2017-5/2017
Total Award: $25,000
Goal: To use machine learning to evaluate movement markers of risk for psychosis.
Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium (INC) Pilot Award
Title: Default Mode Network Hyperconnectivity Across the Schizophrenia Spectrum
PI: Mittal and Turner
Project Period: 2012-2013
Goal: To examine potential hyperconnectivity patterns across the psychosis spectrum.
National Institute of Health (NIH) Clinical Research Loan Repayment Award (2009-2012), NIH- L30 MH087258:01-02
Title: Dyskinetic Movements and Glucocorticoids in Adolescents At-Risk for Psychosis
Principal Investigator: Vijay A. Mittal, Ph.D.
Goal: This project is designed to investigate the roles between stress reactivity, reciprocal dopamine activation, and potentially consequent neuromotor dysfunction.
Completed Mentored Awards
NIMH National Research Service Award. NRSA 1F32MH133302-01A1
Title: Paranoia and Bias in Social Belief Updating in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
Trevor Williams 2023-2025
Mentor: Mittal, Corlett
Goal: To examine computational and social cognitive processes related to paranoia in CHR individuals.
NIMH National Research Service Award, F31MH123121 decisions
Title: The Neural Mechanisms of Motor Dysfunction in Clinical High-Risk Youth
Juston Osborne 2020-2022
Mentor: Mittal
Goal: To examine motor psychophysiology (e.g., LRP, CNV) and develop biomarkers in CHR youth.
NIMH National Research Service Award. NRSA 1F31MH121018-01A1
Title: Neurocorrelates of alterations in facial expressivity in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis
Tina Gupta 2019-2021
Mentor: Mittal, Haase
Goal: To examine underlying neural circuitry in motor and limbic networks of alterations in facial expressivity in psychosis risk.
NIMH National Research Service Award. NRSA 1F31MH119776-01A1
Title: Cumulative environmental risk exposure in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis
Teresa Vargas 2019-2022
Mentor: Mittal, McDade
Goal: To examine if stress during different developmental periods influences adult brain dysfunction and psychosis risk.
National Academy of Science, Ford Fellowship
Title: Early life stress and adult brain structure and cognition
PI: Teresa Vargas
Project Period: 6/2019-5/2022
Mentor: Vijay Mittal
Goal: To examine how early experience shape brain development and influence the way people interact with the world they live in.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Doctoral Foreign Study Award (DFSA)
Title: Cortical Midline Structures and Self-Reflection in youth at ultra-high risk for psychosis
PI: Raffles Cowan
Dates: 9/2017-8/2020
Mentors: Dan McAdams, Vijay Mittal
Goal: To use narrative interviewing and resting stage imaging methods to understand aberrant self-reflection in high-risk youth.
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, NARSAD Young Investigator Award
Title: Emotion, Mental Health, and Epigenetic clock in high-risk caregivers
Principle Investigator: Claudia Haase
Project Period: 12/2017-11/19
Total Direct Costs: $60,000
Sponsors: Mittal, Alexander
Goal: To determine how negative emotion during dyadic interaction predicts accelerated epigenetic aging in caregivers of youth at risk for psychosis.
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, NARSAD Young Investigator Award
Title: Elucidating the Role of Abnormal Motor Resonance in Social Cognition Deficits in Schizophrenia
PI: Jerillyn Kent
Project Period: 12/2017-11/19
Total Direct Costs: $60,000
Sponsors: Scott Sponheim
Mentoring Collaborator: Vijay Mittal
Brain Behavior Research Foundation (formally NARSAD): Young Investigator Award
Title: Cerebello-Prefrontal Involvement in Error Processing and Rule Learning in Youth at Ultra High-Risk for Psychosis
Project Period: 1/1/2015-1/1/2017
Total Direct Costs: $60,000
P.I.: Jessica Bernard, Ph.D.
Mentor: Vijay Mittal, Ph.D.
Co Mentor: Banich
National Research Service Award (NRSA), 1F31MH100821-01A1
Title: The neural basis of social cognition in adolescence
Dates: 10/01/2013-9/30/2016
P.I.: Andrea Pelletier, M.A.
Mentor: Vijay Mittal, Ph.D.
Co-Mentors: Tor Wager, Jessica Turner
National Research Service Award (NRSA) 1F32MH102898-01
Title: Cerebellar contributions to disease course in youth at high-risk of psychosis
Dates: 10/01/2013-9/30/2015
P.I.: Jessica Bernard, Ph.D.
Mentor: Vijay Mittal, Ph.D.
Co-Mentor: Marie Banich