ADAPT Lab News and Media


  • Congratulations to grad students Jessica Fattal and Vanessa Zarubin, and post docs Victor Pokorny, and Danielle Pratt for all winning a 2025 SIRS Early Career Awards!



  • ADAPT Lab dinner in Montréal for the SRP conference!

  • Last day of work for Post-docs Trevor Williams & Kate Damme!

Other 2024 News:

  • Undergraduate Ishika Arora ‘25 was selected to participate in the Northwestern Education and Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience (NEURON) program for the 2024/2025 academic year! NEURON is a competitive mentorship program at Northwestern for aspiring scientists.

  • ADAPT Lab gets named 4th most productive psychosis lab in the world by ScholarGPS (

  • Alexis Porter, Franchesca Kuhney, and Ivanka Ristanovic successfully defend their PhD dissertations. Congratulations to Dr. Porter, Dr. Kuhney, and Dr. Ristanovic!

  • Post-doc Kate Damme accepts a faculty position at UT Dallas!

  • Post-doc Trevor Williams accepts a faculty position at Kent State University!

  • Emily Park ‘25, Natalie Larson ‘25, Julianna Schuch ‘25, Isha Nayak ‘25, and Taera Kaka ‘26 all get awarded summer undergraduate research grants (SURG) for Summer 2024!

  • Lab Manager Joanna Hernandez commits to Harvard for graduate school, where she will be pursuing a PhD in cognitive neuroscience & developmental psychology.

  • Research assistant Quinn Myerson ‘23 commits to Ohio State University for graduate school, where he will be pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology.

  • Post-doc Danielle Pratt won an NSRA and BBRF!

  • Graduate student Vanessa Zarubin won an NSRA!

  • Graduate student Luz Marie Alliende Serra won a President’s Award at the Society of Psychopathology Research (SRP) conference!

  • Dr. Vijay Mittal was elected to be president of the Society of Psychopathology Research (SRP) conference!



  • ADAPT Team celebrates the Holidays with a Potluck!

  • ADAPT Post Docs, Grad Students, and Coordinators go bowling in Downtown St. Louis at the Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP) Conference!

  • ADAPT Team at dinner before the SRP Conference!

  • Congratulations to Morgan Tinsley ‘24 who won First place at Northwestern’s Developmental Science undergraduate poster symposium!

  • Congratulations to Trevor Williams for winning a 2023 SIRS Early Career Award!

Other 2023 News:

  • Paia Amelio commits to Weill Cornell Medical College!

  • Congratulations to Dana Hubbell and Nick Edwards for their presentations at the 2023 MPA conference!

  • Congratulations to Vanessa Zarubin for winning a Cog Sci Advanced Research Fellowship award!

  • Congratulations to Danielle Pratt for the acceptance of her oral presentation “Comparing a Computerized Digit Symbol Test to a Pen-And-Paper Classic” at the 2023 SIRS conference!



  • ADAPT PI Vijay Mittal is named David S. Holmes Professor of Brain Science.

  • ADAPT is looking to hire a new Research Coordinator & a new Postdoctoral Fellow! Please see the Join the ADAPT Team page for more details.

  • ADAPT welcomes two new doctoral students, Luz Maria Alliende Serra & Jessica Fattal, to the lab! See their bios on the Meet Our Team page.

  • Juston Osborne matches with internship at the St. Louis VA Medical Center!

  • Teresa Vargas matches with internship at Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital!



  • ADAPT Director Vijay Mittal delivered a TEDx talk covering research focusing on the exercise intervention our team is developing.

  • Congratulations to all our team members who presented at the 2021 SRP Virtual Conference! Members can view posters and presentation videos at the SRP website here.

  • Good luck and congratulations to Tina Gupta and Raffles Cowan for starting their clinical internships at UPMC and OSU this fall! (click on the links for more information about the respective programs)

  • Congratulations to Franchesca Kuhney for her 2021 Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) Early Career Award!

Happy holidays from the ADAPT team!

Happy holidays from the ADAPT team!


It’s been a hard year requiring a lot of adjustment, but the ADAPT team has shown resiliency and continued pursuing meaningful research! Online studies are available for participation now!

  • Check out the ADAPT Program Twitter (@AdaptProg) for news, study info, and discussion on ground-breaking research!

  • Watch Director Vijay Mittal’s APS webinar on prodromal biomarkers and the development of early interventions for the NIMH’s Research Domain Criteria Initiative (RDoC)!

  • ADAPT will join a team of 26 institutions in PRONET, a $52-million international study investigating the heterogeneity of prodromal youth.

  • Congratulations to Juston Osborne for winning an NIH NRSA award!

Derek and Emily get their doctorates!!

Derek and Emily get their doctorates!!


  • Tina Gupta wins an NIH NRSA award!

  • Juston Osborne is awarded a position in the T32 Fellowship (Paller), Training Program in Neuroscience of Human Cognition at Northwestern

  • Vargas wins an NIH NRSA award!

  • Teresa Vargas is accepted for a SNAP talk at SRP in Buffollo- this is the first time graduate students will speak at this conference, and Teresa was accepted out of a large group of talented applicants!

  • Alara Ozsan, ADAPT team RA, won the honor of top 25 graduates of 2019 for Turkey’s Study America Program!

  • Defne Cezayirli, a senior and RA on our team, has been accpeted to the NIMH IRTA class of 2019/20 and will join the Fedorova lab.

  • Teresa Vargas, ADAPT graduate student, wins the Ford Fellowship!

  • Juston Osborne was accepted into the ERP bootcamp class of 2019!

  • Jordyn Ricard, ADAPT research assistant, is invited by SAS as a spotlight presenter.

ADAPT Undergraduates thank their Graduate student mentors for help on projects this past few quarters!

ADAPT Undergraduates thank their Graduate student mentors for help on projects this past few quarters!



  • Happy Holidays from the ADAPT lab Team!

  • ADAPT partners with Thresholds ( to build clinical high-risk screening and treatments into the mainstream in Illinois through a new large-scale Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) supported project.

  • Memorial is held for Shane Colombo (ADAPT team Graduate Student). For story, please see:

  • Teresa Vargas (ADAPT graduate student) and Jacquelyn Stephens (Haase, Mentor; ADAPT collaborator) both were awarded the DevSci student award!

  • Jackie Maloney and Amy Lieberman both present honors project posters at Northwestern.

  • Postdoctoral Student Claire Yee (Arizona State) starts work with ADAPT team.

  • ADAPT team and friends at Russian Tea House (SOBP).

  • ADAPT RAs Defne Cezayirli and Alara Ozsan have both won Northwestern Universty Undergraduate Research Grants for their projects.

  • Emily Carol won CU Boulder Psychology's Dosier/Muenzinger Award for Translational Research!

  • Tina Gupta, ADAPT lab Grad student, was accepted into the imaging training summer program at the University of Michigan!

  • Denise Zou, NU Alum and RA for Rush's Road Home Program, joins the ADAPT team as a lab coordinator!

  • ADAPT Lab recruits two new graduate students, Ivanka Ristanovic (from our very own team) and Shane Colombo (from Kevin Ochsner's group).

  • ADAPT Lab recruits two new postdoctoral students, Kate Damme (from Robin Nusslock's team) and Claire Yee (from Shiota's team).

  • Amy Lieberman, senior RA on our team, was admitted into the NIMH IRTA program, and will be joining the Dickinson lab there when she graduates this Spring!

  • Derek Dean, ADAPT Graduate student, matched with Vanderbilt for his Internship!

  • Emily Carol, ADAPT Graduate student, matched with McLean/Harvard for her Internship!



  • ADAPT team Chicago and Boulder meet together in Denver for SRP 2017!

  • ADAPT team begins new R01 multi-site study with Temple and UMBC (12,000 adolescents!)

  • In collaboration with Claudia Haase ADAPT team begins new R21 study to follow care-takers and high-risk youth participating in a dyadic interaction to determine how emotional interactions may predict course

  • ADAPT is sponsoring a NARSAD awarded to Claudia Haase who will follow the parents of high-risk youth to determine putative effect of care-taking on health (via markers of epigenetic aging).

  • Tina Gupta, senior ADAPT Chicago graduate student, is awarded a space on a T32 training grant (Neuroscience of Human Cognition)

ADAPT Research Assistants Rachel Conley, Ned Shashoua, Emily Frraser and Alara Ozsan (Raffi Cowan in background) enjoy our end of the term lab party!

ADAPT Research Assistants Rachel Conley, Ned Shashoua, Emily Frraser and Alara Ozsan (Raffi Cowan in background) enjoy our end of the term lab party!

ADAPT Lab Chicago, Summer 17

ADAPT Lab Chicago, Summer 17

  • Andrea Pelletier-Baldelli successfully defends her dissertation and Emily Carol successfully defends her dissertation proposal- amazing work!

  • Northwestern Developmental Science Institute Launches; ADAPT director Mittal involved as Co-Director for Center for Training in Transdisciplinary Developmental Sciences: Read Story Here

  • ADAPT team is awarded the Buffet Institute for Global Study Grant

  • ADAPT RA Jacqueline Maloney invited to join NU Honors Seminar in Psychology for 2017-18 academic year.

  • Postdoctoral student Emily Cibelli and ADAPT Lab win NU W-award.

  • PI Mittal will attend ERP Boot Camp in Davis this Summer.

  • Graduate student Raffi Cowan won the Canadian Institute of Health Research Foreign Study Award (CIHR)

  • ADAPT RA Grishma Reddy wins Summer Undergraduate Research Grant (URG) award to sponsor her independent research.

  • ADAPT RA Amy Lieberman wins Northwestern URG award to participate in lab projects focusing on auditory feedback and pitch shift abnormalities.

  • Graduate Andrea Pelletier-Baldelli matches at MGH for clinical Internship

  • Emily Carol wins Beverly Sears Award to Graduate student research examining stress reactivity!

  • ADAPT lab is awarded R21 from NIMH to investigate emotive processing dysfunction in psychosis prodrome.

  • Director Mittal wins Brain and Behavior Research Foundation Independent Investigator Award, NARSAD. Read Story Here

  • Graduate Student Teresa Vargas Receives Honorable Mention for the GRFP NSF award



  • ADAPT Director Mittal has presented in two symposia in Florence at SIRS in April

  • Mittal wins FABBS Award 2016; read story here

  • ADAPT Director Mittal will be presenting in a symposium in Atlanta at BPS this Spring 2016

  • ADAPT undergraduate research assistant, Jackie Maloney, has been awarded a competitive Northwestern University Undergraduate Research Grant (URG) to fund her research project using tDCS to target Internet addiction and inhibitory processing. Spring 2016

  • Exercise Trial to Begin in July 2016

  • ADAPT PI Mittal wins Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP) Early Career Award May 2016

Katherine Damme, Tina Gupta, and Sekine Oztruk hard at work at processing data

Katherine Damme, Tina Gupta, and Sekine Oztruk hard at work at processing data

  • ADAPT Graduate Student Emily Carol wins the CU Boulder Department of Psychology's Peter G. Ossorio Award, Spring 2016

  • ADAPT Graduate Student Tina Gupta Wins a Northwestern University Society, Biology, and Health Cluster Fellowship. May 2016

  • ADAPT Graduate Student Andrea Pelletier-Baldelli wins Human Brain Mapping Travel Award!

  • Professor Matthew Goldrick and Postdoctoral student Emily Calberii win a Northwestern Data Science Initiative Award to Collaborate with ADAPT (June 2016).

  • ADAPT RA Jackie Maloney is Finalist for Fletcher Prize! (November 2016).

2016: ADAPT Chicago and ADAPT Colorado Meet in Baltimore for Society for Research in Psychopathology



ADAPT Director Mittal accepts a new faculty position at Northwestern University.

ADAPT Director Mittal is featured in the Early Career Section of the Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology; See Article in Newsletter




Our lab meetings finally outgrew our lab space!

Our lab meetings finally outgrew our lab space!



Association for Psychological Science (APS)

Drs. Vijay Mittal, Elaine Walker, Michael Green, and Deborah Walder.  Dr. Walker's former students participate in a symposium to honor thecontributions of Dr. Walker to the field of Psychopathology. See Article





ADAPT LAB is Featured in the Denver Post (click here for article)

ADAPT Lab is Featured in the Daily Camera (click here for article)







Director Vijay Mittal Presents on the Neuroscience of Creativity and Improvisation at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA)  




ADAPT Director Vijay Mittal (far right) at National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Biobehavioral Research Awards for Innovative New Scientists (BRAINS) in Washington DC

ADAPT Director Vijay Mittal (far right) at National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Biobehavioral Research Awards for Innovative New Scientists (BRAINS) in Washington DC



ADAPT Director begins his 1st year as a professor!

ADAPT Director begins his 1st year as a professor!

See story: