Mittal Lab Publications
Note: * indicates the first author was a graduate student or postdoctoral student who worked under the mentorship of Vijay Mittal.
A. Peer Review Journal Articles
1) Corcoran, C., Walker, E. F., Huot, R., Mittal, V. A., Tessner, K., Kestler, K. & Malaspina, D. (2003). The stress cascade and schizophrenia: etiology and onset. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 29(4), 671-692.
2) Mittal, V. A., Tessner, K., Delawalla Z., McMillan, A., Trottman, H. & Walker, E. F. (2006). Gesture behavior in unmedicated schizotypal adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 115(2), 351-358.
3) Mittal, V. A., Dhruv, S., Tessner, K. D. Walder, D. J., & Walker, E. F. (2007). The relations among putative bio risk markers in schizotypal adolescents: minor physical anomalies, movement abnormalities and salivary cortisol. Biological Psychiatry, 61(10), 1179-1186.
4) Mittal, V. A., Tessner, K. D., & Walker, E. F. (2007). Elevated social Internet use and schizotypal personality disorder in adolescents. Schizophrenia Research, 94(1-3), 50-57.
5) Mittal, V. A., Tessner, K. D., Trottman, H. D., Dhruv, S., Esterberg, M., Simeonova, D., McMillan, A. L., Murphy, E., Saczawa, M. & Walker, E. F. (2007). Movement abnormalities and the progression of prodromal symptomatology in adolescents at risk for psychotic disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 116(2), 260-267.
6) Mittal, V. A., & Walker, E. F. (2007). Movement abnormalities predict conversion to Axis I psychosis among prodromal adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 116(4), 796-803.
7) Mittal, V. A., Hasenkamp, W., Sanfilipo, M., Wieland, S., Burton, A., Rotrosen, J. & Duncan, E. (2007). Relation of neurological soft signs to psychiatric symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 94(1-3), 37-44.
8) Walker, E. F., & Mittal, V. A. (2007). Movement abnormalities- psychosis: Letter to the Editor. APA Monitor on Psychology, 38(8).
9) Walker, E. F., & Mittal, V. A., (2007). External and inherent constraints on progress in psychology: reflections on Paul Wachtel’s observations. Applied & Preventive Psychology: Current Scientific Perspectives, 12, 44-46.
10) Mittal, V. A., Neumann, C., Saczawa, M., & Walker, E. F. (2008). The longitudinal progression of movement abnormalities and psychotic symptoms in adolescents at high-risk for psychosis. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65(2), 165-170.
11) Mittal, V. A., Saczawa, M., Walder, D. J., Willhite, R., & Walker, E.F. (2008). Prenatal viral teratogen exposure and conversion among adolescents at high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 99, 375-376.
12) Walder, D. J., Mittal, V. A., Trottman, H. D., McMillan, A. L. & Walker, E. F. (2008).Neurocognition and conversion to psychosis in adolescents at high-risk. Schizophrenia Research, 101, 161-168.
13) Walker, E. F., Mittal, V. A., & Tessner, K. D. (2008). HPA activity and the developmental course of schizophrenia. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 4, 5.1-5.28.
14) Mittal. V. A., Willhite, R., & Cannon, T. D. (2008). Floaters: A potential confound to The assessment of perceptual abnormalities. Schizophrenia Research, 104(1-3), 305-306.
15) Mittal, V. A., Ellman, L. M. & Cannon, T. D. (2008). Gene-environment interaction and covariation in schizophrenia: The role of obstetric complications. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 34, 1083-1094.
16) Mittal, V. A., Willhite, R. W., Niendam, T., Daley, M. Bearden, C. E., Ellman, L. M., & Cannon, T. D. (2009). Obstetric complications and risk for conversion to psychosis among Individuals at high clinical risk, Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 3, 226-230.
17) Mittal, V. A. Walker, E. F., Walder, D., Trottman, H., Bearden, C. E., Daley, M. Simone, A. & Cannon, T. D. (2010). Markers of basal ganglia dysfunction and conversion topsychosis: Neurocognitive deficits and dyskinesias in the prodromal period. Biological Psychiatry, 68, 93-99.
18) Mittal, V. A., Karlsgodt, K. H., Zinberg, J., Cannon, T. D. & Bearden, C. E., (2010). Identification and Treatment of a Pineal Gland Tumor in an Adolescent with Prodromal Psychotic Symptoms. American Journal of Psychiatry, 167(9), 1033-1037.
19) Mittal, V.A., & Walker E.F. (2010). Movement Abnormalities and Schizophrenia in DSM .V Psychological Medicine, 40(9)1581-1583.
20) Mittal, V.A., Daley, M., Shiode, M.F., Bearden, C.E., O’Neill, J., & Cannon, T.D. (2010). Striatal volumes and dyskinetic movements in youth at high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 123(1), 68-70.
21) Mittal, V.A., & Walker, E. F. (2011). Minor physical anomalies and hippocampal system vulnerability in youth at high clinical risk: converging evidence from neurocognitive, endocrine, and symptom profiles. Schizophrenia Research. 129, 116-121.
22) Mittal, V.A., Cannon, T.D., Bearden, C.E., (2011). Reply to De Nadai et al, American Journal of Psychiatry. 168 (5), 550-551.
23) Tessner, K. D., Mittal, V.A., & Walker, E.F. (2011). Longitudinal study of stressful life events and daily stressors among adolescents with schizotypal personality disorder, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 37(2), 432-441.
24) Mittal, V.A., Jalbrzikowski M, Bearden, C.E., Daley M., Roman C., Cannon T.D. (2011). Abnormal movements are associated with poor psychosocial functioning in adolescents at high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 130 (1 -3), 164-169.
25) Mittal, V.A. & Walker, V. A. (2011). Dyskinesias, tics, and psychosis in the next Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders. Psychiatry Research 189, 158-159.
26) Mittal, V.A., Dean, D., Pelletier, A., Caligiuri, M., (2011). Associations between instrumentally gauged movement abnormalities and attenuated psychotic symptoms in healthy young adults. Schizophrenia Research, 132, 194-196.
27) Pelletier, A. & Mittal, V.A. (2012). An Autism Dimension for Schizophrenia in the Next Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Schizophrenia Research. 137(1-3) : 269-270.
28) Mittal, V.A., Dean, D., & Pelletier, A. (2012). Dermatoglyphic asymmetries and fronto-striatal dysfunction in young-adults reporting non-clinical psychosis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 126:290-297. PMC3404232
29) Mittal, V.A., Smolen, A., Dean, D.J. Pelletier, A. Avery, J., Smith, A. (2012) BDNF val66met and spontaneous dyskinesia in non-clinical psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 140, 65-70. PMC3423560
30) Golembo-Smith, S, Walder, D, Daly, M., Mittal, V.A., Kline, E. Reeves, G., Schiffman, J (2012). The presentation of dermatoglyphic abnormalities in schizophrenia: a meta-analytic review. Schizophrenia Research 142(1-3)1-11.
31) *Pelletier, A. Dean, D. Lunsford-Avery, J.L., Orr, J., Gupta, T., Mittal, V.A. (2013). Facial emotion recognition deficits are associated with broader social/role dysfunction in non-clinical psychosis. Schizophrenia Research 143, 70-73
32) *Pelletier, A. Mittal, V.A (2013). Negative symptom measurement in individuals at-risk for psychosis. Psychiatry Research, 205(1-2):181-182.
33) Mittal, V.A., Orr, J.M. Pelletier, A.L., Dean, D.J., Lunsford-Avery, J. Smith, A. (2013). Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Dysfunction in Non-Clinical Psychosis. Psychiatry Research, 206(2-3):315-317. PMC3615096
34) *Smith, A.K., & Mittal., V.A. (2013). Delusions of Body Image in the Prodrome. Schizophrenia Research, 146(1-3):366-367.
35) Mittal, V.A., Dean, D., & Pelletier, A. (2013). Internet addiction, Reality Substitution, and Longitudinal Changes in Psychotic-like Experiences in Young Adults. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 7(3) 261-9, DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-7893.2012.00390.x
36) Frank, G., Schott, M, Hagman J., Mittal, V.A. (2013). Alterations in brain structures related to taste reward circuitry in ill and recovered anorexia, but also bulimia nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry, 10(170):1152-1160. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.12101294
37) *Dean, D., Caliguiri, M., Tuelings, H., & Mittal, V.A. (2013). Handwriting Analysis Indicates Spontaneous Dyskinesias in Adolescents at high-risk for schizophrenia. Journal of Visual Experiments, 81 e50852, doi:10.3791/50852
38) *Dean, D.J. & Mittal, V.A. (2013). Tinnitus: A potential confound when assessing perceptual abnormalities ultra-high risk youth. Schizophrenia Research, 147: 410-411 doi:10.1016/j.schres.2013.04.033.
39) *Lunsford-Avery, J. & Mittal, V.A. (2013). Sleep dysfunction prior to the onset of schizophrenia: a review and neurodevelopmental diathesis-stress conceptualization. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 20 (3): 291-320 DOI: 10.1111/cpsp.12041.
40) Mittal, V.A., Gupta, T., Orr, J.M. Pelletier, A.L., Dean, D.J., Lunsford-Avery, J. Smith, A., Robustelli, B.R., Leopold, D.R., Millman, Z. (2013). Physical activity level and medial temporal health in youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 122(4), 1101-1110.
41) *Lunsford-Avery, J.R., Orr, J.M., Gupta, T., Pelletier, A.L., Dean, D.J Bernard, J., Smith, A., Bernard, J., Millman, Z., Mittal, V.A. (2013). Sleep Dysfunction and Thalamic Abnormalities in Adolescents at Ultra High-Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research 151(1-3):148-53. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2013.09.015.
42) Mittal, V, Orr, J. Turner, J. Pelletier, A., Dean, D., Lunsford-Avery, J. Gupta, T. (2013). Striatal abnormalities and Spontaneous Dyskinetic Movements in Non-Clinical Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 151 (1-3) 141-147. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2013.10.003
43) Frank, G., Schott, M., Haggman, J. Mittal, V (2013). Reply to Keating and Rossell. American Journal of Psychiatry, 170(11), 1367.
44) *Dean, D.J., Bernard, J.A., Orr, J., Pelletier, A.L., Gupta, T., Carol, E., Mittal, V.A. (2014).
Cerebellar morphology and procedural learning impairment in youth at ultra high-risk of psychosis, Clinical Psychological Science, 2(2)152-164.
45) Mittal, V.A., Dean, D.J., Bernard, J.A., Orr, JM., Pelletier, A., Carol, E., Gupta, T., Turner, J., Leopold, D., Robustelli, B., Millman, Z. (2014) Neurological Signs predict cerebellar-thalamic tract development and negative symptoms in adolescents at high risk for psychosis: a longitudinal perspective. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40(6) 1204-1215 doi:10.1093/schbul/sbt199
46) *Bernard, J. Dean, D., Kent, J., Pelletier, A.L., Gupta, T Mittal, V.A. (2014). Cerebellar Networks in Individuals at Ultra High-Risk of Psychosis: Impact on Postural Sway and Symptom Severity. Human Brain Mapping. 35(8), 4064-4078. DOI; 10.1002/hbm.22458
47) *Orr, J, Turner, J., Mittal, V (2014). Widespread brain disconnectivity associated with psychotic-like experiences in the general population. Neuroimage:Clinical (4) 343-351. PMC3913833
48) *Pelletier, A.L., Dean, D.J., Lunsford-Avery, Smith, A.K., Orr., J., Gupta, T., Millman, Z.,
Mittal, V.A. (2014). Orbitofrontal cortex volume and intrinsic religiosity in non-clinical psychosis. Psychiatry Research, Neuroimage 22(3), 124-130.
49) *Wu, SS., Mittal, V.A., Pennington B Willcutt, E.G. (2014). Mathematics achievement
scores highlight psychosis risk in school-aged children. Schizophrenia Research, 156, 133-134.
50) *Carol, E., & Mittal, V.A. (2014). Self-Reported Cannabis Use is Inconsistent with the
Results From Drug-Screening in Youth at Ultra High-Risk for Psychosis, Schizophrenia Research, 157(1-3): 317-318 doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2014.05.032.
51) *Millman, Z, Goss, J., Schiffman, J., Mejias, J., Gupta, T., Mittal, V.A. (2014). Mismatch and Lexical Retrieval Gestures are Associated with Visual Information Processing, Verbal Production, and Symptomatology in Youth at High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 158(1-3): 64-68. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2014.06.007.
52) *Bernard, J. & Mittal, V.A. (2014). Cerebellar Motor Dysfunction In Schizophrenia and Psychosis Risk: the Importance of Regional Cerebellar Analysis Approaches. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 5:160, doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00160
53) *Gupta, T., Mittal, V (2014) Nicotine is associated with elevated processing speed and spatial working memory in youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis. Psychiatry Research, 15;220(1-2):687-; doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.07.085.
54) Schott, M.E., Cornier, M.A., Mittal, V.A., Pryor, T.L., Orr, J., Brown, M.S., Frank, G.K.W. (2015). Orbitofrontal cortex and brain reward response in obesity. International Journal of Obesity, 39(2):214-221, doi: 10.1038/ijo.2014.121.
55) *Bernard, J.A., Leopold, D., Calhoun, V., Mittal, V.A. (2015) Regional Cerebellar Volume and Cognitive Function From Adolescence to Late Middle Age. Human Brain Mapping, 36:1102-1120, doi: 10.1002/hbm.22690
56) *Dean, D.J. & Mittal, V.A., Spontaneous Parkinsonisms and striatal impairment in neuroleptic free youth at ultra high risk for psychosis (2015), NPJ Schizophrenia, 1, DOI:10.1038/NPJSCHZ.2014.6
57) *Dean D., Bernard, J., Orr, J. Pelletier, A., Carol, E., Gupta, T. Earls, H., Mittal, V.A. (2015) Increased postural sway predicts negative symptom progression in ultra high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 162(1-3), 86-89.
58) Thompson, L., Kline, E., Ellman, L. Mittal, V.A., Schiffman, J., (2015). Emotional and Behavioral symptomatology reported by help-seeking youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 162, 29-85.
59) *Carol, E., Mittal, V. (2015). Negative self-concept is associated with elevated resting cortisol and putative familial environment in youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 57, 26-36.
60) *Lunsford-Avery, J.R., LeBourgeois, M.K., Gupta, T., Mittal, V.A. (2015). Actigraphic-measured sleep disturbance predicts increased positive symptoms in adolescents at ultra high-risk for psychosis: a longitudinal study. Schizophrenia Research, 26:164(1-3):15-20.
61) *Bernard, J.A. Orr, J., & Mittal, V.A., (2015) Hippocampal-thalamic tract developmet in the psychosis prodrome: A multi-time point probabilistic tractography approach. NPJ Schizophrenia.
62) Thompson, E., Millman, Z., Okuzawa, N., Mittal, V.A., DeVylder, J., Skadberg, T., Reeves, G., &Schiffman, J (2015). Evidence-Based Early Interventions for Individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: a review of treatment components. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 203(5), 342-351.
63) *Hagerty, S.L., York-Williams, S.L. Mittal, V.A. Hutchison, K (2015) Cannabis Connundrum: thinking outside the THC box. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 55(8) 839-841.
64) *Bernard, J., Mittal, V.A. (2015) Updating the research domain criteria: the utility of a motor dimension. Psychological Medicine.
65) *Carol, E., Mittal, VA (2015). Normative adolescent experiences may confound assessmentof positive symptoms in youth at ultra-high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 166 (1-3)358-359.
66) *Bernard, J., & Mittal, V.A. (2014). Dysfunctional activation of the cerebellum in
schizophrenia: A functional neuroimaging meta-analysis. Clinical Psychological Science, doi: 10.1177/2167702614542463
67) *Schiffman, J, Mittal, V.A., Kline, E., Michelsen, N., Ekstrom, M., Mortensen, E., Mednick, S., Sorenson, H (2015). Childhood dyspraxia predictive of adult-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorder, Development and Psychopathology, doi:10.1017/S0954579414001436
68) Mittal, V.A., Dean, D., Mittal, J., Saks, E. (2015). Ethical, legal, and clinical considerations when disclosing a high-risk syndrome for psychosis. Bioethics
69) *Dean, D., Orr, J.M, Bernard, J., Gupta, T., Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Carol, E., Mittal, V.A. (2016) Hippocampal shape abnormalities predict symptom progression and impaired tolerance to stress in youth at ultrahigh risk for psychosis, Schizophrenia Bulletin
70) Mittal, VA, Gupta, T., Keane, B., Silverstein, S., (2015) Visual context processing
dysfunctions in youth at high risk for psychosis: Resistance to the Ebbinghaus illusion and its symptom and social and role functioning correlates. Journal of Abnormal Psychology
71) *Earls, H., Curran, T., Mittal, V.A. (2015). Social deficits in early perceptual stages in
schizophrenia: A systematic review of the P100 during face processing. Schizophrenia Bulletin
72) *Bernard, J., Millman, Z., Mittal, V.A. (2015) Metaphoric and beat gestures are differentially associated with cortical and regional cerebellar volumes. Human Brain Mapping.
73) *Pelletier, A., Bernard, J., Mittal, V.A. Functional connectivity abnormalities and impaired
social processing in youth at high risk for psychosis (2015). PLOS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134936
74) *Pelletier, A., Ives, L., Mittal, V.A., (2015) Increased Internet Use is associated with poorer ability to manage emotions in youth at high-risk for psychosis, Schizophrenia Research, Cognition, 1;2(4):220-226
75) *Bernard, J.A., Orr, J., Mittal, V.A. (2016) Differential motor and prefrontal cerebello-cortical network development: evidence from multimodal neuroimaging. Neuroimage, 1:124, 591-601. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.09.022. PMC4651741
76) *Dean, D.J. Mittal, V.A. (2016). Decreased dextrality during Handwriting in neuroleptic free right-handed youth at ultrahigh risk for psychosis, Schizophrenia Research, 170(10) 137-142. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2015.10.017. PMC4707112
77) Walther, S., Mittal, VA (2016). Why we should take a closer look on gestures. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 42(2) 259-261.
78) *Russuk, O., Ives, L., Mittal, V.A. Dean, D., (2016) Fluctuating dermatoglyphic asymmetries in youth at high-risk for psychosis, Schizophrenia research, 170(2-3) 301-303. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2015.12.013. PMC4740197
79) *Earls, H, Curran, T, & Mittal V. (2016). A Meta-Analytic Review of Auditory Event- Related Potential Components as Endophenotypes for Schizophrenia: Perspectives from first-degree relatives. Schizophrenia Bulletin
80) *Carol, E, Mittal, V.A. (2016). Sex differences in morning cortisolin youth at ultra high-risk for developing psychosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology
81) Mittal, V.A., (2016). Cross-Cutting advancements usher in a new era for motor research in psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
82) Gorka, S, Hee, D., Leiberman, L, Mittal, V, Phan, L, Shankman, S. (2016) Reactivity to uncertain threat as a familial vulnerability factor for alcohol use disorder. Psychological Medicine.
83) Rakhsan, P, Sorensen, H, DeVylder, J, Mittal, V, Mortensen, E, Mednick, S, Schiffman, J. (2016). Motor deficits predict schizophrenia in Danish High-risk Study. Schiz Res
84) *Gupta, T., Silverstein, S., Papathomas, T., Keane, B., Mittal, V.A. (2016). Depth inversion illusion insensitivity and aberrant connectivity in youth at high-risk for psychosis. Neuroimage, Clinical
85) Mittal, V.A., Gupta, T, Vargas, T, Osborn, J, Ristanovic, I, Hooker, C, Shankman S (2017). Exercise as a treatment for Schizophrenia. Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry.
86) *Osborn, J, Bernard, J, Millman, Z, Gupta, T, Ristanovic, I, Gupta, T, Vargas, T, Mittal, V, (2017) Beat gestures frequency and postural control in youth at ultrahigh risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research.
87) *Millman, Z, Weintraub, M.J., Bentley, E, DeVylder, J, Mittal, V, Pitts, S, Thompson, E, Demro, C., Reeves, G, Schiffman, J (2017). Differential relations of locus of control to perceived stress among help-seeking adolescents at low vs high Clinical Risk of Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research
88) *Robustelli, B. Newberry, R. Whisman, M., Mittal, V.A., (2017). Social relationships and romantic relationships for youth at risk for psychosis: do they benefit? Psychiatry Research.
89) *Andorko, N.D., Mittal, VA, Thompson, E, Denenny, D Epstein, G, Demro, C, Wilcon, C, Sun, S, Klingaman, E, DeVylder, J, Postolache, O.H, Reeves, G.,M, Shiffman, J., (2017). The association between sleep dysfunction and psychosis-like experiences among college students. Psychiatry Research.
90) Mittal, V.A.M., Wakschlag, L.S., (2017). RDoC Grows Up: Strengthening neurodevelopmental investigation within the RDoC Framework. Journal of Affective Disorders. 216, 30-35.
91)*Pelletier, A. Strauss, G., Visser, K., Mittal, VA. Negative symptom assessment in the psychosis prodome: development and validation of the Prodromal Inventory for Negative Symptoms (PINS). (2017) Schizophrenia Research
92) Avery, J, Goncalves, B, Auerbach, R., Mittal, V.A. Circadian Rest/Activity Rhythm Disturbances Associated with Worsened Clinical Prognosis Among Adolescents at Ultra High-risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research
93) Bernard, JA. Newberry, R., Goen, J, Mittal, V.A. (2017). Patients withschizophrenia show aberrant patterns of basal ganglia activations: Evidence from ALE Meta-Analysis. Neuroimage: Clinical
94) Bernard, J., Orr, J., Mittal, V.A. (2017). Cerebello-thalamo-cortical networks predict positive symptom progression in individual sat ultra-high risk for psychosis: evidence from functional and structural connectivity. Neuroimage Clinical
95) Lunsford-Avery, J. Dean, D., Mittal, V.A. (2017). Self-Reported Sleep Disturbances Associated with Procedural Learning Impairment in Adolescents at Ultra High-risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research.
96) *Vargas, T., Mittal, V.A. (2017). Improving reliability and validity of early life stress interviews for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 192, 465-466.
97) *Gupta, T., Hespos, S, Horton, S, Mittal, V.A. Automated analysis of written narratives reveals abnormalities in referential cohesion in youth at ultra high risk for psychosis (2018). Schizophrenia Research
98) *Carol, E., Spencer, R., Mittal, V.A. (2017), The relationship between cannabis use and cortisol levels in youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis, Psychoneuroendocrinology.
99) *Dean, DJ, Bryan, A, Gupta, T., Carol, E, Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Newberry, R., Mittal, VA. A supervised exercise intervention for youth at risk for psychosis: An open-label pilot study, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, (2017)
100) *Dean D.J., Kramer, K., Samson, A.T., Vijay A. Mittal (2018) Motion energy analysis reveals altered body movement in youth at risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research
101) * Millman, Z, Pitts, S, Thompson, L, Kline, E., Schimunek, C, Weintraub, M., DeVylder, J., Mittal, VA Reeves, G., Schiffman, J. (2016). Perceived social stress and attenuated symptom severity in a sample of help-seeking adolescents with and without clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research
102) *Osborne, K.J, Wilroth, E.C., DeVylder, J.E., Mittal, V.A., Hilimire, M.R. (2017). Emotion regulation and distress from subclinical psychotic experiences in the general population. Psychiatry Research.
103) Mittal, V.A., Bernard, J.A., Northoff, G. (2017). What can different motor circuits tell us about psychosis? An RDoC perspective. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
104) van Harten, P. Walther, S., Kent, J, Sponheim, S., Mittal, V.A. (2017). The clinical and prognostic value of motor abnormalities in psychosis, and the importance of instrumental assessment. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 80, 476-487. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.06.007
105) *Clark, S., Mittal, V.A., Bernard, J., A., Ahmadi, A., Turner, J. (2018). Stronger default mode network connectivity is associated with poorer clinical insight in adolescents at ultra high-risk for psychotic disorders. Schizophrenia Research, 193, 244-250. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2017.06.043
106) Bondy, E., Stewart, J.G., Hajcak, G., Weinberg, A., Tarlow N., Mittal, V.A., Auerbach, R.P. (2017). Emotion processing in female youth: testing the stability of the late positive potential. Psychophysiology, 55(2). doi: 10.1111/psyp.12977
107) Gruber, J. Strauss, G., Dombrecht, L., & Mittal, V. (2018). Neuroleptic free youth at at Ultrahigh risk for psychosis evidence diminished motion reactivity that is predicted by depression and anxiety. Schizophrenia Research, 193, 428-434, doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2017.08.013
108) Strauss, G., Raugh, IM, Mittal, V.A., Gibb, B., Coles, M., (2018). Bullying victimization and perpetration in a community sample of youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 195, 534-536. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2017.08.056
109) Mittal, V.A., (2017). Systems neuroscience of psychosis (SyNoPsis) provides a promising framework for advancing the field. Neuropsychobiology, 75(3), 119-121. doi: 10.1159/000485215
110) *Vargas, T., Dean, D., Osborne, K., Gupta, T., Ristanovic, I, Ozturk, S., Turner, J, van Erp, T., Mittal, V. (2018) Hippocampal subregions and psychosis spectrum. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44(5), 1091-1099. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbx160
111) Walther S., Mittal, V.A. (2017) Motor system pathology in psychosis. Current Psychiatry Reports, 19(12). doi: 10.1007/s11920-017-0856-9
112) *Gupta, T., DeVylder, J., Schiffman, J., Auerbach, R., Mittal, V. (2018) Speech Illusions and working memory performance in non-clinical psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 195, 391-395. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2017.10.031
113) *Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Andrews-Hanna, J. R., & Mittal, V. A. (2018). Resting state connectivity dynamics in individuals at risk for psychosis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(3), 314-325. doi: 10.1037/abn0000330
114) *Cowan, R., McAdams, D., Mittal, V.A. (2019). Core Beliefs in healthy youth and youth at ultra high-risk for psychosis: dimensionality and links to depression, anxiety, and attenuated psychotic symptoms. Development and Psychopathology, 31(1), 379-92. doi: 10.1017/s0954579417001912
115) *Osborn, K.J. Mittal V. (2018) Every-day coincidences and referential thinking: differentiating normative experiences from symptoms in psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 197, 570-571. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2017.11.008
116) *Gupta, T, Dean, D, Kelley, N, Bernard, J, Ristanovic, I, Mittal, V (2018). Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) improves procedural learning in non-clinical psychosis: a double-blind crossover study. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44(6) 1373-1380. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbx179
117) *Damme, K. S., Gupta, T., Nusslock, R., Bernard, J. A., Orr, J. M., & Mittal, V. A. (2018). Cortical morphometry in the psychosis risk period: A comprehensive perspective of surface features. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2018.01.003
118) Glazer, J., Kelley, N., Mittal, V., Nusslock, R. (2018). Beyond the FRN: Broadening the time-course of EEG and ERP components implicated in reward-processing. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 132, 184-202. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2018.02.002
119) Bernard, JA. Orr, J, Dean, D, Mittal VA. (2018) The Cerebellum and Learning of Non-Motor Associations in Individuals at Clinical-High Risk for Psychosis, Neuroimage Clinical, 19, 137-146. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.03.023
120) *Dean, D., Walther, S., Bernard, J., Mittal, V.A. (2018). Motor clusters reveal differences in risk for psychosis, cognitive functioning, and thalamocortical connectivity: evidence for vulnerability subtypes. Clinical Psychological Science. 6(5) 721-734. doi: 10.1177/2167702618773759
121) *Carol, E., Mittal, V, (2018). Ethical considerations associated with providing a psychosis risk diagnosis: proposed model of vulnerability and psychosocial interactions. Journal of Ethics in Mental Health (JEMH), 10, 1-20.
122) *Gupta, T., Bernard, J., Mittal, V.A. (2018) Transcranial direct current stimulation, symptomatology, and cognition in psychosis: A qualitative review, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12(94). doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00094
123) Mittal, V. (2018) Ethical considerations in predicting and proving early intervention for serious mental illness, Journal of Ethics in Mental Health (JEMH) 10 1-7.
124) *Newberry, R., Dean, D.J., Sayyah, M.D., Mittal, V.A. (2018). What prevents youth at clinical high risk for psychosis from engaging in physical activity? An examination of the barriers to physical activity. Schizophrenia Research 201, 400-405. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.011
125) *Vargas, T., Schneider, H, Banich, Mittal, V.A. (2018). Altered selection during language processing in individuals at high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 202, 303-309. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.036
126) *Azis, M., Struass, G.P., Walker, E.,F., Revelle, W., Zinbarg, R., Mittal. V (2018). Factor analysis of negative symptom items on the structured interview for prodromal syndromes. Schizophrenia Bulletin, doi: 10.1093/schbul/sby177.
127) *Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Bernard, J., Orr, J., Mittal. V.A. (2018). Social reward processing: A biomarker for predicting psychosis risk?. Schizophrenia Research, 10.1016/j.schres.2018.07.042
128) *Sichlinger, L, Cibelli, E., Goldrick, M, Mittal, VA, (2019) Clinical correlates of aberrant conversational turn-taking in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 204 419-420.
129) *Vargas, T., Osborn, J, Cibelli, E., Mittal, V.A. (2019). Separating Hearing Sensitivity from Auditory Perceptual Abnormalities in Clinical High Risk (CHR) Youth. Schizophrenia Research, 204:437-438.
130) Walther, S., Mittal, V, Bernard, & Shankman, S., (2019). The utility of an RDoC motor domain to understand psychomotor dysfunction in depression. Psychological Medicine, 49(2), 212-216. doi: 10.1017/s0033291718003033
131) *Vargas, T., Lam, P., Aziz, M., Osborn, J., Lieberman, A., Mittal, V. (2018) Childhood trauma and neurocognition in adults with psychotic disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45(6), 1195-1208. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sby150
132) Lunsford-Avery, J., Collns, S., Mittal VA. (2019), Eveningness diurnal preference associated with better socioemotional cognition and social functioning among healthy adolescents, Chronobiology International, 36(3), 439-444. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2018.1538156
133) Phalen, P., Rakhshan, P., Milman, Thompson, E., DeVylder, J., Mittal, V.A., Carter, E., Reeves, G., Schiffman, J. (2018). Validity of a Two-Item Early Psychosis Screen. Psychiatry Research, 270, 861-868. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2018.11.002
134) Chapman, H. C., Visser, K. F., Mittal, V. A., Gibb, B. E., Coles, M. E., Strauss, G. P. (2019). Emotion regulation across the psychosis continuum. Development and Psychopathology, 32(1), 219-227. doi: 10.1017/s0954579418001682
135) Mittal, V.A., Walther, S., (2018). As motor system pathophysiology returns to the forefront of psychosis research, clinical implications should hold center stage. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45(3), 495-497. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sby176
136) *Vargas, T., Damme, K., Mittal., V.A., (2019). Bullying victimization in typically developing and clinical high risk adolescents: A multimodal imaging study. Schizophrenia Research, 213, 40-47. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2018.11.017
137) Kent, J., Caligiuri, M, Skorheim, M, Lano, T, Mittal, V, Sponheim, S., (2019) Instrument-based assessment of motor function yields evidence of dyskinesia in individuals with schizophrenia but not first-degree biological relatives. Psychiatry Research, 272, 135-140. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2018.12.007
138) *Gupta, T., Haase, C., Strauss, G., Cohen, A., Mittal, V.A. (2019) Alterations in facial affect in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128(4), 341-351. doi: 10.1037/abn0000413
139) Schiffman, J., Ellman, L., Mittal., VA (2019). Individual differences and psychosis-risk screening: Practical suggestions to improve the scope and quality of Early identification. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Schizophrenia: Special issue Identifying individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis in different cultures and countries. 10(6) doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00006
140) Andorko, N.D., Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, P., Hinkle, C., Mittal, V., McAllister, M., DeVylder, J., & Schiffman, J. (2019). Assessing validity of retrospective recall of physical activity in individuals with psychosis-like experiences. Psychiatry Research, 273, 211-217.
141) *Severan, K., Osborne, J., Mittal, VAM, (2019). Implications of religious practices for youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schiz Research, 20, 481-482. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2019.01.033
142) *Osborn, J., Vargas, T., Mittal, VA Early childhood social communication deficits in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis (2019), Development and Psychopathology, 32(2), 559-572. doi: 10.1017/S0954579419000385
143) *Ristanovic, I, Osborn, J., Vargas, T., Gupta, T, Mittal, VA (2019). Postural Control and Verbal and Visual Working Memory Correlates in Sway in Non-Clinical Psychosis. Neuropsychobiology. doi: 10.1159/000498921
144) *Millman, Z., Gold, J., Mittal, V, Schiffman, J. Control groups in clinical high-risk research (2019), Clinical Psych Sci, 7(6), 1171-1189. doi: 10.1177/2167702619855660
145) *Vargas, T., Damme, K., Hooker, C., Gupta, T., Cowan, R., Mittal, V. (2019). Differentiating implicit and explicit theory of mind and associated neural networks in youth at Clinical High Risk (CHR) for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 208, 173-181.
146) *Vargas, T., Maloney, J, Gupta, T., Mittal V.A. (2019) Measuring facets of reward sensitivity inhibition and impulse control in individuals with problematic Internet. Psychiatry Research, 275, 351-358. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2019.03.032
147) *Damme, K.S.F., Gallagher, N., Vargas, T., Osborne, K. J., Gupta, T., & Mittal, V.A. (2019). Motor sequence learning and pattern recognition in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 208, 454-456. DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2019.03.023.
148) *Damme, K, Pelletier-Baldelli, A, Cowan, R., Orr, J., Mittal, VA. (2019). Distinct and opposite profiles of connectivity during self-reference task and rest in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Human Brain Mapping, 40(11), 3254-3264. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24595.
149) Nunez, M., Mittal, V., Zinbarg, R. (2019). Efficacy and Mechanisms of Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation to Enhance Exposure Therapy: A Review. Clin Psychol Review, 70, 64-78. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2019.04.001.
150) *Osborne, J., Mittal, V.A., (2019) External Validation and Extension of the NAPLS-2 and SIPS-RC Personalized Risk Calculators in an Independent Clinical High-Risk Sample. Psychiatry Research
151) *Vargas, T., Zou, D., Conley, R., Mittal, VA (2019). Assessing developmental environmental risk factor exposure in Clinical High Risk for psychosis individuals: preliminary results using the Individual and Structural Exposure to Stress in Psychosis-risk states scale. JCM, 8(7), 994. doi: 10.3390/jcm807099
152) *Vargas, T., Ahmed, A., Strauss, G.P., Brandes, C.M., Walker, E., Gold, J., Buchanan, R., Mittal, V. (2019) The Latent Structure of Depressive Symptoms Across Clinical High Risk and Chronic Phases of Psychotic Illness. Translational Psychiatry, 9(1). doi: 10.1038/s41398-019-0563-x
153) *Damme, K.S.F., Vargas T., Calhoun, V., Turner, J., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Global and specific cortical volume asymmetries in individuals with psychosis risk syndrome and schizophrenia: A mixed cross-sectional and longitudinal perspective. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 46(3), 713-721. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbz096
154) *Yee, C.I, Strauss, G.P., Allen, D.N., Haase, C.M., Kimhy, D., Mittal, V.A., (2019) Trait emotional experience in individuals with schizophrenia and youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. British Journal of Psychiatry- Open, 5(5). doi: 10.1192/bjo.2019.64
155) *Damme, K.S.F., Osborne, K.J., Gold, J.M., Mittal, V.A. (2019). Detecting motor slowing in clinical high risk for psychosis in a computerized finger tapping model. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 270, 393-397. doi: 10.1007/s00406-019-01059-0.
156) Mittal, V.A., Walker, EF. (2019). Advances in the neurobiology of stress and psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 213, 1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2019.08.030
157) Mittal, V.A. Motor Development Collection Introduction: Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2019.
158) Kogan, S., Ospina L.H., Mittal, VA, Kimhy D, (2019). The impact of inflammation on neurocognition and risk for psychosis: a critical review. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.
159) *Vargas, T., Conley, R., Mittal, VA. (2020) Chronic stress, structural exposures and neurobiological mechanisms: a stimulation, discrepancy and deprivation model of psychosis. Stress and Brain Health: In Clinical Conditions (152).
160) *Gupta, T., Mittal, V.A. Advances in clinical staging, early intervention, and the prevention of psychosis (2019) F1000
161) *Osborne, J., Damme, K., Gupta, T., Dean, D.J., Bernard, J., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Timing dysfunction and cerebellar resting state functional connectivity abnormalities in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Psychological Medicine, 1-10. DOI: 10.1017/S0033291719004161.
162) *Vargas, T., Schiffman, J., Mittal, V. (2020). Neighborhood crime, socioeconomic status, and suspiciousness in adolescents and young adults at clinical high-risk (CHR) for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 215, 74-80. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2019.11.024
163) *Yee, C., Gupta, T., Mittal, V.A., Haase, C., (2020). Coping with family stress in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Res.
164) Lunsford-Avery, J., Damme, K., Englehard, M., Kollins, S., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Sleep/wake regularity associated with default mode network structure among healthy adolescents and young adults. Scientific Reports, 10, 509. DOI:
165) Kimhy, D., Lister, A., Liu, Y, Vakrusheva, J, Delespaul, P, Malaspina, D., Ospina, L.H., Mittal. V.A. Gross, J.J., Wang, (2020) The impact of emotion awareness and regulation on psychotic symptoms during daily functioning. NPJ Schizophrenia
166) Shankman, S.A., Mittal, V.A., & Walther, S. (2020). An examination of psychomotor disturbance in current and remitted MDD: An RDoC Study. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science.
167) *Ristanovic, I, Vargas, T., Cowan, R, Mittal, VA. (2020). Consistent exposure to psychosocial stressors and progressive intolerance to stress in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 1(1). doi: 10.1093/schizbullopen/sgaa004w
168) Frith, J., Schuch, F., Mittal, V. (2020). Using exercise to protect physical and mental health in youth at risk for psychosis. Research in Psychotherapy, Psychopathology, Process, Outcome (RIPPPO), 23(1). doi: 10.4081/ripppo.2020.433
169) *Osborne, KJ, Kraus, Lam, P, Vargas, T. Mittal, VA. (2020). The contingent negative variation in schizophrenia: a systematic review. Schizophrenia Bulletin
170) *Cowan, R., Mittal, V.A., Allen, D.N., Gold J.M., Strauss, G., (2020) Clusters of individuals with schizophrenia show distinct trait affect presentations with symptom profiles and functional outcomes. Journal of Abnormal Psychology
171) *Damme, K, Ristanovic, I., Vargas, T., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Timing of Menarche and Abnormal Hippocampal Connectivity in Youth at Clinical-High Risk for Psychosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology.
172) *Azis, M., Rouhakthar, P.R., Schiffman, J.E., Ellman, L.M., Strauss, G., Mittal., V.A., (2020) The structure of positive psychotic symptoms in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry.
173) Kafadar, E., Mittal., V.A., Strauss, G., Chapman, H., Ellman, L., Bansal, S., Gold, J., Alderson-Day, B, Evans, S., Woods, S., Corlett, P.R., Powers, A (2020). Behavioral markers of hallucinations predict clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research.
174) Strauss G.P., Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Frost-Visser, K., Walker, E. Mittal, V.A. A review of negative symptom assessment strategies in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. (2020). Schizophrenia Research.
175) Woods , S., Bearden, C.E., Sabb, F.W., Stone, W.S., Keshavan, M., Torous, J., Cornblatt BAe, Diana O. Perkins, Cadenhead, K.S., Addington, J., Powers, A.R., Mathalon, D.H., Calkins, M.E., Wolf, D.H., Corcoran, C.M., Horton, L.E., Mittal, V.A., Schiffman, J.E., Ellman, L.M., Strauss, G.P., Mamah, D., Choi, J., Pearlson, G.D., Shah, J., Fusar-Poli, P., Arango, C., Perez, J., Koutsouleris, N., Wang, J., Kwon, J.S.,Walsh, B.C., McGlashan, T.H., Gur , R.E., Cannon, T.D., Kane, J.M., Anticevic, A., (2021). Early Intervention for Psychosis Risk Syndromes: Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Benefit. Schizophrenia Research, 227, 10-17. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.04.020
176) *Osborne, J.K., Walker, S., Shankman, S., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Psychomotor slowing in schizophrenia: implications for endophenotypes and biomarker development. Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatry, 2. doi: 10.1016/j.bionps.2020.100016
177) *Gupta, T. Haase, C., Struass, G.P, Cohen, A.S., Ricard, J., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Alterations in Facial Expressions of Emotion: Determining the Promise of Ultra-Thin Slicing Approaches and Comparing Human and Automated Coding Methods in Psychosis Risk. Emotion, 22(4), 714-724. doi: 10.1037/emo0000819
178) *Corcoran, C., Mittal, V.A., Bearden, C.E., Hitczenko, K., Bilgrami, Z, Savic, A., Cecchi, G., Wolf, P. (2020). Language as a Biomarker for Psychosis: A Natural Language Processing Approach Schizophrenia Research. Schizophrenia Research
179) *Azis, M, Ristanovic, I, Mittal, VA. (2020). Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations: considerations for clinical high-risk assessment and targets for future research. Schizophrenia Res, 222, 514-515. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.05.025
180) *Cowan, R., Mittal, V.A., (2021). Three types of psychotic-like experiences in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 271(4), 733-744. doi: 10.1007/s00406-020-01143-w
181) *Dean, D., Bernard, J., Damme, K, O’Reilly, R., Orr, J., Mittal, V.A., (2020). Longitudinal assessment and functional neuroimaging of movement variability reveals novel insights into motor dysfunction in clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 46(6), 1567-1576. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbaa072
182) Orr, J.M., Lopez, J., Imburgio, M., Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Bernard, J., Mittal, VA. (2020). Adolescents at clinical high risk for psychosis show qualitatively altered patterns of activation during rule learning. Neuroimage Clinical, 27. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102286
183) *Gupta, T., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Transcranial direct current stimulation and emotion processing deficits in psychosis and depression: A state of the art review. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 271(1), 69-84. doi: 10.1007/s00406-020-01146-7
184) *Vargas, T., Damme, K, Ellman, L., Ered, A, Capizzi, R., Frosch, I., Ellman, L., Mittal, V.A. (2021). Neuroimaging markers of resiliency in youth at Clinical High Risk: a qualitative review. Biological Psychiatry CNNI, 6(2), 166-177. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2020.06.002
185) *Gupta, T, Cowan, H, Strauss, G., Walker, E.F., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Deconstructing negative symptoms in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis: Evidence for volitional and diminished emotionality subgroups that predict clinical presentation and functional outcome. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(1), 54-63. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbaa084
186) Gold, J., Corlette, P.R., Strauss, G., Schiffman, J., Ellman, L.M., Walker, E.F., Powers, A.R., Woods, S.W., Waltz, J., Silverstein, S.M., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Enhancing psychosis risk prediction through computational cognitive neuroscience. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 46(6), 1346-1352. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbaa091
187) *Vargas, T., Damme, K., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Neighborhood deprivation, prefrontal morphology and neurocognition in late childhood to early adolescence. Neuroimage, 220. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117086
188) DeVylder, J., Mittal, V., Schiffman, J. (2020). Balancing the Public Health Costs of Psychosis vs Mass Incarceration With the Legalization of Cannabis. JAMA Psychiatry. 78(3), 246. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2020.2591
189) *Vargas, T., Schiffman, J., Kim, A. Mittal, V.A.. (2020). Using search engine data to gauge public interest in mental health, politics and violence in the context of mass shootings. Plos One. 15(8). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236157
190) Kaiser, A.J.E., Funkhouser, C.J., Mittal, V.A., Walther, S., Shankman, S.A. (2020). Test-retest reliability and familial concordance of individual symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder. Psychiatry Research, 292. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113313
191) Mittal, V.A., Firth J., Kimhy, D., (2020). Combating the dangers of sedentary activity on child and adolescent mental health during the time of COVID-19. JAACAP, 59(11), 1197-1198. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2020.08.003
192) Gratton C., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Embracing the complexity of heterogeneity in schizophrenia: A new perspective from latent clinical-anatomical dimensions. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 46(6), 1337-1338. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbaa122
193) Ellman, L, Schiffman, J., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Community psychosis risk screening: An instrumental development investigation. JPBS. doi: 10.20900/jpbs.20200019
194) *Damme, K., Schiffman, J., Ellman, L.E., Mittal, V.A. (2020). Sensorimotor and Activity Psychosis-Risk (SMAP-R) Scale: An Exploration of Scale Structure With Replication and Validation. Schizophrenia Bulletin, sbaa138. DOI:
195) Walther, S, Mittal, V. Stegmayer, K., Bohlhatler, S., (2020) Gesture deficits and apraxia in schizophrenia, Cortex.
196) *Hitczenko, K., Mittal, V.A., Goldrick. (2021) Understanding language abnormalities and associated clinical markers in psychosis: The promise of computational methods. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
197) Mittal, V.A, Bernard, J., Walther, S. (2020). Cerebellar-thalamic circuits play a critical role in psychomotor function. Molecular Psychiatry, 26(8), 3666-3668. doi: 10.1038/s41380-020-00935-9
198) *Damme, K. S. F., Norton, E. S., Briggs-Gowan, M. J., Wakschlag, L. S., & Mittal, V. A. (2022). Developmental patterning of irritability enhances prediction of psychopathology in preadolescence: Improving RDoC with developmental science. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 131(6), 556–566.
199) Mittal, V.A, Addington, J. (2021). Embracing heterogeneity creates new opportunities for understanding and treating those at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 227, 1-3. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.11.015
200) *Yee, C. I., Vargas, T. Mittal, V.A., & Haase, C. M. (2021). Adaptability and cohesion in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis: A multi-informant approach. Schizophrenia Research, 228, 604-610. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.11.039
201) *Cowan, H. R. (2020). Is schizophrenia research relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic? [Letter to the editor]. Schizophrenia Research, 220, 54-60. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.04.002.
202) *Cowan, H. R., Mittal, V. A. (2021). Transdiagnostic dimensions of psychiatric comorbidity in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: A preliminary study informed by HiTOP. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11:614710. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.614710.
203) *Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Struass, G., P., Kuhney, F.S., Chun, C., Gupta, T., Ellman, LM, Schiffman, J. Mittal, V.A. (2021). Perceived stress influences anhedonia and social functioning in a community sample enriched for psychosis risk. Journal of Psychiatriatric Research, 135, 96-103. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.01.005
204) *Carol, E., Spencer, R., Mittal., V.A. Acute physiological and psychological stress response in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis Acute stress response in psychosis risk. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Schizophrenia.
205) *Osborne, J.K., Mittal, V.A., Postural sway and neurocognition in individuals meeting criteria for a clinical high-risk syndrome. (2021). European Archives of Clinical Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 272(1), 155-160. doi: 10.1007/s00406-021-01234-2
206) Corcoran, C., Mittal, V.A., Woods, S. (2021). Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome Should Be Moved to the Main Section in DSM-5-TR. JAMA-Psychiatry, 78(8), 821. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.0838
207) Silverstein, S., Thompson, J., Gold, J., Schiffman, J., Waltz, J.,Williams, T., Zinbarg, R., Mittal, V., Ellman, L, Struass, G, Walker, E, Woods, S, Levin, J, Kafadar, E, Kenney, J, Powers, A. Corlette. P, Smith, D., Increased Face Detection Responses on the Mooney Faces Test in People at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. NPJ Schizophrenia.
208) *Gupta T, Osborne J, Mittal VA. (2021). Abnormal gesture perception and clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(4), 938-947. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbab056
209) Mittal VA, Bernard J, Strauss G, Walther S. (2021). New insights in to sedentary behavior highlight the need to revisit the way we see motor symptoms in psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(4), 877-879. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbab057
210) * Vargas, T., Damme, K. S. F., Osborne, K. J., & Mittal, V. A. (2021). Differentiating kinds of systemic chronic stressors with relation to psychotic-like experiences in late childhood and early adolescence: the stimulation, discrepancy, and deprivation model of psychosis. Clinical Psych Science, doi: 10.1101/2020.08.05.20168492
211) Karpouzian-Rogers T., Cobia D., Petersen, J Wang, L Mittal, V. Csernansky, J, Smith, M. (2021). Cognitive Empathy and Longitudinal Changes in Temporo-Parietal Junction Thickness in Schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.667656
212) *Ristanovic, I, Damme, K, DyVylder J, Schiffman J, Mittal VA. (2021). Cannabis use, self-perceived risk, perceived peer approval, and parental attitudes among youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 16(3), 264-271. doi: 10.1111/eip.13153
213) *Damme, KS, Sloan PR, Bartels MN, Ozsan A, Ospina L, Kimhy D, Mittal, VA. (2021). Psychosis risk individuals show poor fitness and discrepancies with objective and subjective measures. Scientific Reports, 11(10) doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-89301-5
214) *Patton, H, Cowan R, Mittal VA. (2021). Changes in Core Beliefs Over Time Predict Symptoms and Functioning in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 16(3), 311-315. doi: 10.1111/eip.13156
215) *Osborne, K.J., Kraus, B., Curran, T., Earls, H., Mittal, V.A (2021). An event-related potential investigation of early visual processing deficits in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48(1), 90-99. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbab068
216) Stephens, J. E., Rompilla, D. B., Jr., Hittner, E. F., Mittal, V.A., & Haase, C. M. (2022). Executive Functioning & Non-Target Emotions in Late Life. Emotion. doi: 10.1037/emo0000801
217) Gupta T, Strauss G, Cowan HR, Pelletier-Baldelli A, Ellman L, Schiffman J, Mittal VA. (2021). Secondary sources of negative symptoms in those meeting criteria for a clinical high-risk syndrome. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 1(3), 210-218. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsgos.2021.05.008
218) Pavlidou, A, Viher, PV, Bachofner H, Weiss F, Shankman S, Mittal VA, Walther S. (2021). Hand gesture performance is impaired in major depressive disorder: a matter of working memory performance? Journal of Affective Disorders, 292, 81-88. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.05.055
219) *Vargas, T, Mittal, V.A. (2021). Testing whether implicit emotion regulation mediates the association between discrimination and symptoms of psychopathology in late childhood: An RDoC perspective. Development and Psychopathology, 33(5), 1634-1647. doi:10.1017/S0954579421000638
220) MacNeill, L. A., Allen, N. B., Poleon, R. B., Vargas, T., Osborne, K. J., Damme, K. S. F., Barch, D. M., Krogh-Jespersen, S., Nielsen, A. N., Norton, E. S., Smyser, C. D., Rogers, C. E., Luby, J. L., Mittal, V. A., & Wakschlag, L. S. (2021). Translating RDoC to real world impact in developmental psychopathology: A neurodevelopmental framework for application of mental health risk calculators. Development & Psychopathology.
221) *Kuhney, FS, Damme KF, Pelletier-Baldelli A, Chun C, Ellman L, Schiffman J, Mittal VA (2021). Prevalence and functional consequences of social anxiety in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis: perspective from a community sample comparison. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open.
222) Mittal VA, Walker EF, Struass, G. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic introduces diagnostic and treatment planning complexity for individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
223) Mittal VA, Ellman LM, Strauss GP, Walker EF, Corlett PR, Schiffman J, et al. (2021). Computerized Assessment of Psychosis Risk. J Psychiatry Brain Sci. doi: 10.20900/jpbs.20210009
224) *Damme, K.S.F., Park, J.S., Walther, S., Vargas, T., Shankman, S.A., & Mittal, V.A. (2022). Motor abnormalities, depression risk, and clinical course in adolescence. Biological Psychiatry Global Science Open.
225) *Cowan R, Mittal VA, McAdams D, (2021) Narrative identity in the psychosis spectrum: A systematic review and developmental model, Clinical Psychiatry Review.
226) Avery-Lunsford J, Pellietier-Baldelli A, Korenic S, Jackson L, Schiffman J, Ellman L, Mittal VA. (2021). Eveningness Chronotype Preference among Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research., 236, 3-8. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2021.07.034
227) Zou D., Cowan R, Azis M, Mittal VA. (2021). Reciprocal social behavior and related social outcomes in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Psychiatry Research, 306. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114224
228) Hitczenko K, Cowan R, Goldrick M, Mittal VA (2021). Racial and Ethnic Biases in Computational Approaches to Psychopathology. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48(2), 285-288. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbab131
229) *Ricard, J., Gupta, T., Vargas, Mittal, V.A. (2021). Genuine and non-genuine smiles in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 16(8), 875-882. doi: 10.1111/eip.13233
230) * Damme, K. S. F., Park, J. S., Walther, S., Vargas, T., Shankman, S. A., & Mittal, V. A. (2021). Depression and Psychosis Risk Shared Vulnerability for Motor Signs Across Development, Symptom Dimensions, and Familial Risk, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48(4), 752–762. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbab133
231) Walther S, Vladimirova I, Alexaki D, Schappi L, Damme K, Mittal VA, Shankman SA, Stegmayer K. (2022). Low physical activity is associated with two hypokinetic motor abnormalities in psychosis. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 146, 258-263. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.11.014
232) Lunsford-Avery J, Damme K. Vargas T, Sweitzer, M, Mittal, VA Psychotic-Like Experiences Associated with Sleep Disturbance and Brain Volumes in Youth: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study, JCPP Advances
232) Lunsford-Avery J, Damme K. Vargas T, Sweitzer, M, Mittal, VA. Psychotic-Like Experiences Associated with Sleep Disturbance and Brain Volumes in Youth: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study, JCPP Advances, 1(4). doi: 10.1002/jcv2.12055
233) *Anderson Z, Gupta T, Revelle W, Haase C, Mittal VA. (2021). Alterations in emotional diversity correspond with increased severity of attenuated positive and negative symptoms in the clinical high-risk syndrome. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.755027
234) *Vargas T, Mittal VA. (2022). Brain morphometry points to emerging patterns of psychosis, depression and anxiety vulnerability over a two-year period in childhood. Psychol Medicine, 1-13. doi: 10.1017/s0033291721005304
235) Walther S, Mittal, VA. (2022). Motor Behavior is relevant for understanding mechanisms, bolstering prediction, and improving treatment: a transdiagnostic perspective. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48(4), 741-748. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbac003
236) *Vargas T, Damme KSF, Mittal VA (2022). Differentiating distinct and converging neural correlates of types of systemic environmental exposures. Human Brain Mapping, 43(7), 2232-2248. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25783
237) Frosh IR, Mittal VA, D’Mello A. (2022). Cerebellar contributions to social cognition in ASD: a predictive processing framework. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 16. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2022.810425
238) Bilgrami, Z. R., Sarac, C., Srivastava, A., Herrera, S.N., Azis, M., Haas, S.S., Shaik, R.B., Parvaz, M.A., Mittal, V.A., Cecchi, G.A., Corcoran, C. M.+ (2022). Construct validity for computational linguistic metrics in individuals at clinical risk for psychosis: associations with clinical ratings. Schizophrenia Research, 245, 90-96. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2022.01.019
239) *Damme, K.S.F., Gupta, T.G., Haase, C.A., & Mittal, V.A. (2022) Responses to Positive Affect and Unique Connectivity in Individuals at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis. NeuroImage: Clinical, 33. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.102946
240) Williams, T, Ellman L, Shiffman J, Mittal VA. (2022). Employing contemporary integrative interpersonal theory to understand dysfunction in. those at clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 3(1). doi: 10.1093/schizbullopen/sgac015
241) *Osborne, K.J., Zhang, W., Geiger, M., Farrens, J., Kraus, B., Glazer, J., Nusslock, R., Kappenman, E.S., Mittal, V.A (2022). Neural mechanisms of motor dysfunction in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis: Evidence for impairments in motor activation. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 131(4), 375-391. doi: 10.1037/abn0000754
242) Millman, Z.B., Roemer, C., Vargas, T., Schiffman, J., Mittal, V.A., & Gold, J.M. (2022). Neuropsychological performance among individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis versus putatively low-risk peers with other psychopathology: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48(5), 999-1010. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbac031
243) *Ristanovic, I., Haase, C. M., Lunsford-Avery, J., Mittal, V. A. (2022). The Relationship Between Stress Responding in Family Context And Stress Sensitivity with Sleep Dysfunction in Individuals at Clinical High-Risk For Psychosis. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 149, 194-200. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.02.038
244) *Park, J, Damme K, Mittal VA. (2022). Anxiety symptoms, rule learning, and cognitive flexibility in non-clinical psychosis. Scientific Reports, 12(1). doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-09620-z
245) Wüthrich, F., Nabb, C., Mittal, V., Shankman, S., & Walther, S. (2022). Actigraphically measured psychomotor slowing in depression: Systematic review and meta-analysis.Psychological Medicine, 1-14. doi:10.1017/S0033291722000903
246) *Gupta, T., Horton, W.S., Haase, C.M., Carol, E.E., Mittal, V.A. (2022). Clues from caregiver emotional language usage highlight the link between putative social environment and the psychosis-risk syndrome. Schizophrenia Research. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2022.03.012
247) Williams, T. F., Powers, A. R., Ellman, L. M., Corlett, P. R., Strauss, G. P., Schiffman, J., Waltz, J. A., Silverstein, S. M., Woods, S. W., Walker, E. F., Gold, J. M., & Mittal, V. A. (2022). Three prominent self-report risk measures show unique and overlapping utility in characterizing those at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 244, 58-65. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2022.05.006
248) *Vargas T., Mittal V. (2022). The Critical Roles of Early Development, Stress and Environments in the Course of Psychosis. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 4(1), 423-445. doi: 10.1146/annurev-devpsych-121020-032354
249) Letkiewicz, A.M., Cochran, A.L., Walther, S., Mittal., V., & Shankman, S.A. (2021). Reward-based reinforcement learning is altered among individuals with remitted major depressive disorder and psychomotor retardation symptoms. Journal of Psychiatric Research. doi: 10.31234/
250) Katherine S F Damme, Tina Gupta, Ivanka Ristanovic, David Kimhy, Angela D Bryan, Vijay A Mittal. (2022). Exercise Intervention in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: Benefits to Fitness, Symptoms, Hippocampal Volumes, and Functional Connectivity, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 48(6), 1394-1405. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbac084
251) Ryan PC, Damme KF, Kuhney FS, Mittal VA. (2022). Social network size in adolescents at clinical high risk for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17(5), 462-469. PMID: 36115189; doi: 10.1111/eip.13341
252) *Kuhney FS, Miklowitz DJ, Schiffman J, Mittal VA. (2023). Family-based psychosocial interventions for severe mental illness: social barriers and policy implications. Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS), 10(1), 59-67. doi: 10.1177/23727322221128251
253) *Cowan HR, Damme KSF, Mittal VA, Interactions between the cortical midline structures and sensorimotor network track maladaptive self-beliefs in clinical high risk for psychosis. NPJ Schizophrenia, 8(1). doi: 10.1038/s41537-022-00279-z
254) *Kuhney, F.S., Damme, K.S.F., Ellman, L., Schiffman, J., Mittal, V.A. (2022). Evaluating the Social Functioning Scale modified for use in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis, 248, 246-253. Schizophrenia Research. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2022.09.018
255) *Gupta, T., Osborne, K.J., Nadig, A., Haase, C.M.,** Mittal, V.A.** (2022). Alterations in facial expressions in individuals at risk for psychosis: A facial electromyography approach using emotionally evocative film clips. Psychological Medicine, 1-10. doi: 10.1017/s0033291722003087
256) *Cowan RF, Williams TR, Ellman L, Schiffman J, Mittal VA. (2023). Mapping psychosis risk states onto the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology using hierarchical symptom dimensions. Clinical Psychological Science. doi: 10.1177/21677026221146178
257) *Pratt DN, Bridgwater M, Schiffman J, Ellman LM, Mittal VA. (2022). Do the components of risk for psychosis ratings truly represent one construct? Schizophrenia Bulletin. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbac182
258) Wüthrich, F., Lefebvre, S., Nadesalingam, N., Bernard, J. A., Mittal, V. A., Shankman, S. A., & Walther, S. (2022). Test-retest reliability of a finger-tapping fMRI task in a healthy population. European Journal of Neuroscience. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15865
259) Frosch IR, Damme KSF, Bernard JA, Mittal VA. (2022). Cerebellar correlates of social dysfunction among individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1027470
260) Karp, E.L., Williams, T.F., Ellman, L.M., Strauss, G.P., Walker, E.F., Corlett, P.R., Woods, S.W., Powers, A.R., Gold, J.M., Schiffman, J.E., Waltz, J.A., Silverstein, S.M, & Mittal, V.A. (2023). Self-reported gesture interpretation and performance deficits in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49(3), 746 – 755. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbac197
261) *Ristanovic I, Vargas TG, Damme KS, Mittal VA. (2023). Hippocampal Subfields, Daily Stressors, and Resting Cortisol in Individuals at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 148. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105996
262) *Zarubin V, Gupta T, Mittal VA. (2023). History of trauma is a critical treatment target for individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1102464
263) Rodosky SE, Stephens JE, Hittner EF, Rompilla DB, Mittal VA, Haase CM. (2023). Facial expression in adolescent-parent interactions and mental health: A proof-of-concept study. Emotion. doi: 10.1037/emo0001216
264) *Williams, T. F., Conley, R. E., & Mittal, V. A. (2023). The relevance of social anxiety for understanding social functioning and facial emotion recognition in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. doi: 10.1111/eip.13396
265) O'Brien KJ, Ered A, Korenic SA, Olino TM, Schiffman J, Mittal VA, Ellman LM. (2023). Childhood trauma, perceived stress and anhedonia in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: multigroup mediation analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 223(1), 273-279. doi: 10.1192/bjp.2022.185
266) Bridgewater M, Petti E, Gilgen M, Akouri-Shan L, Deluca J, Rakshan P, Millar C, Karcher N, Martin E, DeVylder J, Anglin D, Williams R, Ellman L, Mittal, V, Schiffman J. (2023). Review of factors resulting in systemic biases in the screening, assessment, and treatment of individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis in the United States. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1117022.
267) *Williams, T. F., Walker, E. F., Strauss, G. P., Woods, S. W., Powers, A. R., Corlett, P. R., Schiffman, J., Waltz, J. A., Gold, J. M., Silverstein, S. M., Ellman, L. M., Zinbarg, R. E., & Mittal, V. A. (2023). The reliability and validity of the Revised Green et al. Paranoid Thoughts Scale in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 147(6), 623-633. doi: 10.1111/acps.13545
268) Williams, T. F., Cohen, A. S., Sanchez, A., Joorman, J., & Mittal, V. A (2023). Attentional biases in facial emotion processing in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. doi: 10.1007/s00406-023-01582-1
269) Strauss, G.P., Walker, E.F., Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Carter, N.T., Ellman, L.M., Schiffman, J., Luther, L., James, S.H., Berglund, A.M., Gupta, T., Ristanovic, I., Mittal, V.A. (2023). Development and validation of the Negative Symptom Inventory-Psychosis Risk (NSI-PR). Schizophrenia Bulletin. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbad038
270) Alliende L.M., & Mittal V.A. (2023). Weight stigma interventions as future avenues for stigma resistance: Comment on Dubreucq et al., Psychological Medicine. doi: 10.1017/S0033291723000946
271) Ayawvi, G., Berglund, A.M., James, S.H., Luther, L., Walker, E.F., Mittal, V.A., Strauss, G.P. (2023). The association between early traumatic experiences and the five domains of negative symptoms in participants at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. doi: 10.1111/eip.13418
272) Luther, L.,* Raugh, I.M.*, Collins, D.E., Berglund, A., Knippenberg, A.R., Mittal, V.A., Waler, E.F., & Strauss, G.P. (2023). Environmental context predicts state fluctuations in negative symptoms in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis. Psychological Medicine, 1-10. doi: 10.1017/S0033291723001393
273) Raugh, I. M., Luther, L., Bartolomeo, L. A., Gupta, T., Ristanovic, I., Pelletier-Baldelli, A., Mittal, V. A., Walker, E. F., & Strauss, G. P. (2023). Negative Symptom Inventory-Self-Report (NSI- SR): Initial development and validation. Schizophrenia research, 256, 79–87. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.04.015
274) Strauss, G. P., Raugh, I. M., Luther, L., Walker, E. F., & Mittal, V. A. (2023). Temporal Interactions Between Social Motivation and Behavior In Daily Life Among Individuals at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia bulletin, sbad096. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbad096
275) *Kraus B., Zinbarg R., Braga, R. M., Nusslock R., Mittal V.A., Gratton C. (2023). Insights from personalized models of brain and behavior for identifying biomarkers in psychiatry. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 152. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2023.105259
276) *Zarubin, V., Damme, K. S.F., Vargas, T., Osborne, K. J., Norton, E. S., Briggs-Gowan, M., Allen, N. B., Wakschlag, L. & Mittal, V. A. (2023). Neurodevelopmental vulnerability to psychosis: developmentally-based methods enable detection of early life inhibitory control deficits that predict psychotic-like experiences at the transition to adolescence. Psychological Medicine, 1-10. doi: 10.1017/S003329172300171X
277) *Osborne, K.J., Zhang, W., Gupta, T., Farrens, J., Geiger, M., Kraus, B., Krugel, C., Nusslock, R., Kappenman, E.S. and Mittal, V.A., 2023. Clinical high risk for psychosis syndrome is associated with reduced neural responding to unpleasant images. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science.
278) Alliende Serra, LM, Vargas TG Mittal VA, Representation challenges in large clinical datasets. (2023). Schizophrenia Bulletin. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbad109
279) Williams, T. F., Pratt, D. N., Pinkham, A. E., & Mittal, V. A. (2023). Advances in online data gathering and personalized advertisement complicate assessment of some symptoms. Schizophrenia Research, 258, 69-70. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.07.026
280) *Damme, K.S.F., Han,Y. C., Han, Z., Reber, P., & Mittal, V.A. (2023). Motor Precision Deficits in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. doi: 10.1007/s00406-023-01645-3
281) Woods S., … Mittal VA… (2023) Development of the PSYCHS: Positive symptom and diagnostic criteria for the CAARMS harmonized with the SIPS. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. doi: 10.1111/eip.13457.
282) *Porter, A., Fei, S., Damme, K., Nusslock, R., Gratton, C., & Mittal, V. A. (2023). A meta-analysis and systematic review of single vs. multimodal neuroimaging techniques in the classification of psychosis. Molecular Psychiatry. doi: 10.1038/s41380-023-02195-9.
283) *Hitczenko K, Segal Y, Keshet Y, Goldrick M, Mittal V.A. (2023). Speech characteristics yield important clues about motor function: Speech variability in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia.
284) Bridgwater, M.A., Klaunig, M.J., Petti, E.J., Pitts, S.C., Rakshan Rouhakhtar, P.J., Ered, A., Kuhney, F.S., Boos, A., Andorko, N.D., Ellman, L.M., Mittal, V.A., Schiffman, J.E. (2023). The Influence of Psychotic-Like Experiences on Intent to Seek Treatment: Findings from a multi-site community survey of mental health experiences. Schizophrenia Research. 260, 30-36. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.07.028
285) Kimhy, D., Ospina, L. H., Beck-Felts, K., Lister, A., Omene, C., Bodenhausen, G., & Mittal, V. (2023). Psychiatric and affective predictors of negative racial attitudes. Psychiatry research, 327. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115376
286) *Fattal, J., Mittal, V. A., & Silverstein, S. M. (2023). Closed eye hallucinations in psychotic disorders. Schizophrenia research, 260, 65–66. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.08.010
287) *Kraus B, Sampathguri K, Mittal VA. Accurate predication in psychiatry needs the right kind of information. JAMA Psychiatry, (in press)
288) *Cowan R, Ouellet L, Jones C, McAdams D, Mittal VA. Self-concept and narrative identity in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin (in press)
289) *Pratt, D. N., Luther, L., Kinney, K. S., Osborne, K. J., Corlett, P. R., Powers, A. R., Woods, S. W., Gold, J. M., Schiffman, J., Ellman,L. M., Strauss, G. P., Walker,E. F., Zinbarg,R., Waltz, J.
A., Silverstein, S. M., & Mittal, V. A (in press). Comparing a Computerized Digit Symbol Test to a Pen-And-Paper Classic. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open.
290) Wuthrich F, Lefebvre S, Mittal VA, Shankman SA, Alexander N, Brosch K, Flinkenflugen KE, Goltermann J, Grotegerd D, Hahn T, Jamalabadi H, Jansen A, Leehr EJ, Meinert S, Nenadic I, Nitsch R, Stein F, Straube B, Tuetenberg L, Thiel K, Thomas-Odenthal F, Usemann P, Winter A, Dannlowski U, Kircher T, Walther S, Depression and Psychomotor Disturbances. Molecular Psychiatry, in press.
291) *Williams, T. F., Williams, A. L., Cowan, H. R., Walker, E. F., Cannon, T. D., Bearden, C. E., Keshavan, M., Cornblatt, B. A., Addington, J., Woods, S. W., Perkins, D. O., Mathalon, D. H., Cadenhead, K. S., Stone, W. S., & Mittal, V. A. (in press). The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis: Validation and Extension. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science.
292) *Anderson Z, Turner JA, Calhoun V, Asher YK, Mittal VA. Application of hyperalignment to resting state data in individuals with psychosis reveals systematic changes in functional networks and identifies distinct clinical subgroups. Aperture Neuro
293) *Martínez, M., Damme, K.S., Vargas, T., Yang, B., Rompilla, DJ., Stephens, J., Qu, Y., Mittal, V.A., & Haase, C.M. (2024). Longitudinal Study of Peer Victimization, Social Support, and Mental Health During Early Adolescence. Psychological Medicine. In press.
294) *Damme KSF, Hernandez J Mittal VA, The impact of The Impact of Menarche on Hippocampal Mechanisms of Severity of Psychotic-Like Experiences in the ABCD Study. Psychoneuroendocrinology. In press
295) * Damme, K.S.F., Vargas, T.G., Walther, S., Vargas, T., Shankman, S.A., & Mittal, V.A. (2024). Physical and mental health in adolescence: Novel insights from a transdiagnostic examination of FitBit data in the ABCD Study. Translational Psychiatry, 14, 75.
296) Wannan, CM, Nelson B, Addington J, Allot K ...Mittal VA and AMP Schizophrenia Consortium. Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ): Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, in press
297) Russell, M. T., Hajdúk, M., Springfield, C. R., Klein, H. S., Bass, E. L., Mittal, V. A., Williams, T. F., O’Toole, A. J., & Pinkham, A. E. (in press). Identity recognition from faces and bodies in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition
298) Pratt, D. N., Treadway, M. T., Strauss, G. P., Mittal, V. A. (in press). Diminished Differentiation of Rewards in Individuals at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci.
299) Rossi-Goldthorpe R, Silverstein SM, Gold JM, Schiffman J, Waltz J, Williams TF, Powers AR, Woods SW, Zinbarg RE, Mittal VA, Ellman L, Strauss GP, Walker EF, Levin JA, Kenney J, Corlett PR. Different learning aberrations relate to delusions with different contents. Brain.
300) Cowan HR, Williams WF, Mittal VA, Addington J, Bearden CE, Cadenhead KS, Cannon TD, Cornblatt BA, Keshevan M, Perkins DO, Mathalon DH, Stone W, Woods SW, Walker EF. The complex latent structure of attenuated psychotic symptoms: Hierarchical and bifactor models of of SIPS Symptoms Replicated in Two Large Samples at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
301) Ho, G, Pratt DN, Bridgwater MA, Schiffman J, Ellman LM, Mittal VA. Factors Impacting Intent to Seek Treatment within Youth at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis" has been accepted for publication in Schizophrenia Research. Schizophrenia Research
302) Cowan HR, Mittal VA, Addington J, Bearden CE, Badenhead KS, Cornblatt BA, Keshavan M, Mathalon DH, Perkins DO, Stone W, Tsuang MT, Woods SW, Cannon TD, Walker EF. Longitudinal trajectories of premorbid social and academic adjustment in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis: Implications for conversion. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
303) Fattal, J., Giljen, M., Vargas, T., Damme, K.S.F., Calkins, M.E., Pinkham, A.E., & Mittal, V.A. (2024). A developmental perspective on early and current motor abnormalities and psychotic-like symptoms, Schizophrenia Bulletin
304) Fattal, J., Martinez, M., Gupta, T., Stephens, J.E., Haase, C.M., Mittal, V.A. (2024). Disrupted coherence between autonomic activation and emotional expression in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis, Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science.
305) Alliende, LM, Strauss GP, Yang LH, Mittal VA. Perceptions of stigma in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis and depressive symptomatology. in press, Schizophrenia Research.
306) Olson, G. M., Damme, K. S. F., Cowan, H. R., Alliende, L. M., Mittal, V. A. (2024). Emotional tone in clinical high risk for psychosis: novel insights from a natural language analysis approach. Frontiers in Psychiatry.15. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1389597
307) Capizza R, Korenic AS, Klugman J, Mittal VA, Schiffman H, Ellman L. Developmental changes in endorsement of psychotic-like experiences: from middle childhood through young adulthood (2024). Journal of Psychiatric Research
308) Alliende LM, Sands B, Mittal VA. Chatbots and stigma in schizophrenia: The need for transparency (2024). Schizophrenia Bulletin.
309) Martinez M, Tianying C, Yang B, Shankman S, Mittal VA, Haase CM, Qu Y. Left hippocampal volume as a marker of context sensitivity, and depressive symptoms during the transition to adolescence (2024). PNAS
310) Williams, T. F., Pinkham, A. E., & Mittal, V. A. (2024). Understanding the psychosis spectrum using a hierarchical model of social cognition. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
311) Damme, K, Ristanovic I, Mittal VA. Reduced hippocampal volume unmasks the distinct impacts of cumulative adverse childhood events (ACEs) on Psychotic-like experiences in late childhood and early adolescence (2024). Psychoneuroendocrinology.
312) Damme KSF, Mittal VA. Managing Clinical Heterogeneity in Psychopathology: Perspectives from Brain Research (2024), Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science.
313) Penzel N, Polosecki P, Addington J, Arango C, Asgari-Targhi A, Billah T, Bouix S, Calkins M, Campbell D, Cannon T, Castro E, Cho K, Coleman M, Corcoran C, Dwyer D, Frangou S, Fusar-Poli P, Glynn R, Haidar A, Harms M, Jacobs G, Kambeitz J, Kapur T, Kelly S, Koutsouleris N, Abhinandan KR, Kucukemiroglu S, Kwon JS, Lewandowski KE, Li Q, Mantua V, Mathalon D, Mittal VA, Nicholas S, Pandina G, Perkins D, Potter A, Reichenberg A, Reinen J, Sand M, Seitz-Holland J, Shah J, Srinivasan V, Srivastava A, Stone W, Torous J, Vangel M, Wang J, Wolff P, Yao B, Anticevic A, Wolf D, Zhu H, Bearden C, McGorry P, Nelson B, Kane J, Woods S, Kahn R, Shenton M, Cecchi G, Pasternak, O. Data Analysis Strategies for the AMP SCZ Project, (2024) Schizophrenia
314) *Osborne JK, Walther S, Mittal VA (in press). Motor Actions Across Psychiatric Disorders: A Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Perspective. Clinical Psychological Review.
315) Strauss, G.P., Raugh, I.M., Visser, K.F., Walker, E.F., Mittal, V.A. (In press). Deconstructing the nature of emotion regulation impairments at the identification, selection, and implementation stages in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Psychological Medicine
316) Rompilla DB, Nook EC, Stephens JE, Hittner EF, Mittal VA, Haase CM. (in press) Emotion regulation improves verbal fluency but not inhibition or working memory in late life. Affective Science
317) Spilka, M. J., Millman, Z. B., Waltz, J. A., Walker, E. F., Levin, J. A., Powers, A. R., Corlett, P. R., Schiffman, J., Gold, J. M., Silverstein, S. M., Ellman, L. M., Mittal, V. A., Woods, S. W., Zinbarg, R., & Strauss, G. P. (in press). A generalized reward processing deficit pathway to negative symptoms across diagnostic boundaries. Psychological Medicine.
318) Strauss, G.P., Walker, E.F., Carter, N.T., Luther, L., Mittal, V.A. (in press). The Negative Symptom Inventory-Psychosis Risk (NSI-PR): Psychometric Validation of the Final 11-item version. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
319) Giljen, M, Healey L, Bridgwater M., Ceccolini CJ, Friedman-Yakoobian M, Horton L, Lichvar E, Mayanil T, Mitta VA, Petti E, West M , Schiffman J. (in press). Clinical high-risk for psychosis in sexual and gender minority populations: Considerations for assessment and treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
320) *Reischer HN, Cowan HR, Johnson KM, Mittal VA. (in press). Self-transcendence as a risk and resilience factor in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry
321) Addington J, Liu L, Braun A, Auther A, Calkins M, Cornblatt B, Corcoran C, Fusar-Poli P, Kerr M, Mourges-Codern C, Nunez A, Oliver D, Strauss GP, Walsh B, Alameda L, Arango C, Breitborde NJK, Broome M, Cadenhead K, Carrion R, Chen E, Choi J, Coleman MJ, Conus P, Díaz-Caneja C, Dwyer D, Ellman LM, Faghankhani M, Gaspar P, Gerber C, Glenthøj L, Horton L, Hui CL, Jacobs G, Kambeitz J, Kambeitz-Ilankovic L, Keshavan M, Kim SW, Koutsouleris N, Soo Kwon J, Langbein K, Lewandowski KE, Mamah D, Marcy P, Mathalon D, Mittal V, Nordentoft M, Pearlson G, Penzel N, Perez J, Perkins D, Powers A, Rogers J, Sabb F, Schiffman J, Shah J, Silverstein S, Smesny S, Stone W, Thompson A, Thompson J, Upthegrove R, Verma S, Wang J, Wastler H, Wickham A, Winter-van Rossum I, Wolf D, Bouix S, Pasternak O, Kahn R, Bearden C, Kane J, McGorry P, Buccilli K, Nelson B, Shenton M, Woods SW, and Yung AR (in press). Sample Ascertainment and Clinical Outcome Measures in the AMP SCZ Study. Schizophrenia
322) Tashrif Billah, Kang Ik Cho, Owen Borders, Yoonho Chung, Michaela Ennis, Grace Jacobs, Einat Liebenthal, Daniel Mathalon, Dheshan Mohandass, Spero Nicholas, Ofer Pasternak, Nora Penzel, Habiballah Eichi, Phillip Wolff, Alan Anticevic, Kristen Laulette, Angela Nunez, Zailyn Tamayo, Kate Buccilli, Beau-Luke Colton, Dominic Dwyer, Larry Hendricks, Hok Pan Yuen, Jessica Spark, Sophie Tod, Holly Carrington, Justine Chen, Michael J. Coleman, Cheryl Corcoran, Anastasia Haidar, Omar John, Sinead Kelly, Patricia Marcy, Priya Matneja, Alessia McGowan, Susan Ray, Simone Veale, Inge Winter-van Rossum, Jean Addington, Kelly Allott, Monica Calkins, Scott Clark, Ruben Gur, Michael Harms, Diana Perkins, Kosha Ruparel, William Stone, John Torous, Alison R. Yung, Eirini Zoupou, Paolo Fusar-Poli, Vijay Mittal, Jai Shah, Daniel Wolf, Guillermo Cecchi, Tina Kapur, Marek Kubicki, Kathryn E Lewandowski, Carrie Bearden, Patrick McGorry, René Kahn, John Kane, Barnaby Nelson, Scott W. Woods, Martha Shenton, Justin Baker, and Sylvain Bouix (in press). Enabling FAIR data stewardship in complex international multi-site studies: Data Operations for the AMP SCZ Project. Schizophrenia
323) Luther, L., Ahmed, A.O., Grant, P.M., Granholm, E., Gold, J.M., Williams, T.F., Pratt, D., Holden, J., Walker, E.F., Arnold, L., Ellman, L.M., Mittal, V.A., Zinbarg, R., Silverstein, S.M., Corlett, P.R., Powers, A.R., Woods, S.W., Waltz, J.A., Schiffman, J., & Strauss, G.P. (in press). Revisiting the Defeatist Performance Belief Scale in Adults with Schizophrenia and Youth at Clinical-High Risk for Psychosis: A Comprehensive Psychometric Analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
324) Damme KSF, Mittal VA. (in press) Tailoring clinical goals to the individual is a good idea, and lessons from brain science can help. JoPaCS
325) Ameneh Asgari-Targhi, Beier Yao, Lisa Brown, Suzanne Garcia, Arundati Nagendra, Kota Chin, Tashrif Billah, Nora Penzel, Omar John, Nicholas Prunier, Simone Veale, Elana Kotler, Grace Jacobs, Ming Zhan, Michael J. Coleman, Sylvain Bouix, Ofer Pasternak, Guillermo Cecchi, Justin Baker, Daniel Mathalon, Sinead Kelly, Cheryl Corcoran, Abraham Reichenberg, Inge Winter-van Rossum, Marek Kubicki, Jessica Spark, Dominic Dwyer, Celso Arango, Paolo Fusar-Poli, Monica Calkins, Jai Shah, Vijay Mittal, Andrew Thompson, Patrick McGorry, René Kahn, John Kane, Carrie Bearden, Scott W. Woods, Barnaby Nelson, Martha Shenton, Brandon Staglin, Carlos Larrauri, Kathryn E Lewandowski, and Tina Kapur (in press). Bridging Science and Hope: Integrating and Communicating Lived Experience in Accelerating Medicines Partnership for Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia
326) Kelly Allott, Walid Yassin, Luis Alameda, Tashrif Billah, Owen Borders, Kate Buccilli, Ricardo Carrion, Rolando Castillo-Passi, Kang Ik Cho, Kota Chin, Michael J. Coleman, Beau-Luke Colton, Sebastián Corral, Dominic Dwyer, Kristina Gundersen, Ruben Gur, Gil Hoftman, Grace Jacobs, Sinead Kelly, Kathryn E Lewandowski, Patricia Marcy, Priya Matneja, Danielle McLaughlin, Angela Nunez, Setari Parsa, Nora Penzel, Susan Ray, Jenna Reinen, Kosha Ruparel, Michael Sand, Gennarina Santorelli, Johanna Seitz-Holland, Jessica Spark, Zailyn Tamayo, Andrew Thompson, Sophie Tod, Cassandra Wannan, Alana Wickham, Stephen Wood, Eirini Zoupou, Jean Addington, Alan Anticevic, Celso Arango, Nicholas J. K. Breitborde, Matthew Broome, Kristin Cadenhead, Monica Calkins, Eric Chen, Jimmy Choi, Philippe Conus, Cheryl Corcoran, Barbara Cornblatt, Lauren Ellman, Paolo Fusar-Poli, Pablo Gaspar, Carla Gerber, Louise Glenthøj, Leslie Horton, Christy Lai Ming Hui, Joseph Kambeitz, Lana Kambeitz-Ilankovic, Matcheri Keshavan, Sung-Wan Kim, Nikolaos Koutsouleris, Jun Soo Kwon, Kerstin Langbein, Daniel Mamah, Covadonga Díaz-Caneja, Daniel Mathalon, Vijay Mittal, Merete Nordentoft, Godfrey Pearlson, Diana Perkins, Jesus Perez, Al Powers, Jack Rogers, Fred Sabb, Jason Schiffman, Jai Shah, Steven Silverstein, Stefan Smesny, Gregory Strauss, Judy Thompson, Rachel Upthegrove, Swapna Verma, Jijun Wang, Daniel Wolf, Ofer Pasternak, Sylvain Bouix, Patrick McGorry, John Kane, René Kahn, Carrie Bearden, Martha Shenton, Scott W. Woods, Barnaby Nelson, and William Stone (in press). Cognitive assessment in the AMP SCZ initiative: Harmonization priorities and strategies in a diverse international sample. Schizophrenia
327) Lozano-Gopil J., Mittal VA. (in press) Capturing motor signs in psychosis: how the new technologies can improve assessment and treatment. Schizophrenia Bulletin.
328) Nusslock R, Mittal VA, Alloy L. (in press). Reward Processing in Mood Disorders and Schizophrenia: A Neurodevelopmental Framework. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology.
B. Chapters:
1) Mittal, V. A., Kalus, O., Bernstein, D. P., & Siever, L. J. (2007). Schizoid Personality Disorder. Chapter in O’Donohue, W. O., Lilienfeld, S. T. & Fowler, K. A. (Eds.) Handbook of Personality Disorders: Towards the DSM V. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, p. 63-81.
2) Walker, E. F., McMillan, A., & Mittal, V. A. (2007). Neurohormones, Neurodevelopment andthe Prodrome ofPsychosis in Adolescence. In Walker, E. F. & Romer, D. (Eds.). Adolescent psychopathology and neurodevelopment: integrating brain and preventive science. Oxford University press: USA. p. 264-284.
3) Walker, E. F., McMillan, A., Tessner, K., Mittal, V. A., & Trottman, H. (2007). Adolescent neurodevelopment: A critical period for preventive intervention. In M. Tsuang, W. Stone, & M. Lyons (Eds.), Recognition and Prevention of Major Mental and Substance use Disorders. American Psychological Publishing, Inc: Arlington. p. 187-213.
4) Walker, E. F., Bollini, A., Hochman, K., Kestler, L. & Mittal, V. A., (2007). Schizophrenia. In J. E. Maddox & B. A. Winstead (Eds.) Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding (2nd edition). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: New York.
5) Walker, E. F., Mittal, V. A., & Tessner, K. D., & Trottman, H. (2008). Schizophrenia and the
Psychotic spectrum. In Craighead, EW, Miklowitz, DJ, & Craighead, LW (Eds.), Psychopathology: History, Diagnosis, and empirical foundations. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New Jersey, p. 402-434.
6) Cornblatt, B. A., Walker, E. F., Green, M. F., & Mittal, V. A., (2008). Schizophrenia: Etiology and Neurocognition. In T. Millon, P. H. Blaney, & R. D., Davis (Eds.) Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology (2nd edition). Oxford University Press: New York.
7) Mittal, V. A., & Walker, E. F. (2009). Movement abnormalities: a putative biomarker of risk for Psychosis. In Ritsner, M.S. (Ed.) The Handbook of Neuropsychiatric Biomarkers, Endophenotypes, and Genes. Springer: NY p. 239-258.
8) Karlsgodt, K. Ellman, LE. Sun, F., Mittal, VA., Cannon TD. (2011). Is the neural developmental model of schizophrenia still alive? In Schizophrenia, The Final Frontier: A Festschrift-Tribute for Robin Murray. Edited by David, A., Kapur, S., & McGuffin, P. London: Maudsley Publication by Routledge-Taylor Francis.
9) Kestler, L. Bollini, A., Hochman, K., Mittal, V. A., Walker, E. F., (2012). Schizophrenia. In J. E. Maddox & B. A. Winstead (Eds.) Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding (3rd edition). Routledge: New York
10) Trottman, H., Mittal, V. A., Tessner, K. D., & Walker, E. F., (2013). Schizophrenia and the
Psychotic spectrum. In Craighead, EW, Miklowitz, DJ, & Craighead, LW (Eds.), Psychopathology: History, Diagnosis, and empirical foundations (2nd Edition). John Wiley & Sons, p. 403-445.
11) Mittal, V.A., Pelletier, A.L., Kestler, L. Bollini, Hochman, K., & Walker, E.F. (in press). Schizophrenia. In J.E. Maddox & B.A. Winstead (Eds.) Psychopathology: Foundations for a contemporary understanding (4th edition) Routledge: New York.
12) Mittal, V.A. Overview, Schizophrenia. In Wenzel, A., (Ed) Sage Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology.
13) *Robustelli, B, Mittal, V.A., Thought Insertion. Sage Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Wenzel, A., (Ed).
14) *Dean, J., Mittal, V.A., Akathisia, Sage Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Wenzel, A., (Ed).
15) *Carol, E.D., Mittal, V.A., Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders: Incidence and Prevalence, Sage Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Wenzel, A., (Ed).
16) *Gupta, T., Mittal, V.A., Thought Broadcasting, Sage Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology. Wenzel, A., (Ed).
17) Ryan, Arthur, Trottman, H., Mittal, V. A., Tessner, K. D., & Walker, E. F., (2017). Schizophrenia and the Psychotic spectrum. In Craighead, EW, Miklowitz, DJ, & Craighead, LW (Eds.), Psychopathology: History, Diagnosis, and empirical foundations (3rd Edition). John Wiley & Sons, p. 403-445.
18) Haut, K. Mittal, V, Shankman, S, Hooker, C, (2017) Cognitive training in schizophrenia. (Eds Hoffman, Asmundson), The Science of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Elsevier.
19) *Azis, M, Ristanovic I., Pelletier, A.L., Kestler, L. Bollini, Hochman, K., Walker, EF. Mittal VA (2019). Schizophrenia. In J.E. Maddox & B.A. Winstead (Eds.) Psychopathology: Foundations for a contemporary understanding (5th edition) Routledge: New York.
20) Gupta, T., Damme, KSF., Osborne, KJ., Vargas, TG., Ristanovic, I., Frosch, IR., Zarubin, VC., Hitczenko, K., Williams, TF., Cowan, HR., Mittal, VAM. Psychotic disorders and risk-states in adolescence: Etiology, developmental considerations, and treatment. In Comprehensive Clinical Psychology 2nd edition, Volume 5: Case conceptualization and treatment: Children and adolescents. Elsevier, 2021.
21) Williams, T. F., Pratt, D. N., James, S. H., & Mittal, V. A. (in prep). Treatment of negative symptoms in clinical high risk populations. In T. L. Lincoln, M. Brown, & D. Kimhy (Eds.),Negative Symptoms in Psychosis: Psychological and Social Approaches for Clinicians and Researchers. Oxford: University Press.
22) Carol, E.E., Gupta, T., Pratt, D.N., Ristanovic, I., Williams, T.F., Mittal, V.A., (Submitted). Communication around mitigating risk and promoting wellness. In Horton, L., Landa, Y, Shiffman, S., Woods, S. (Eds.) Talking About Psychosis Risk. (pp. []). Oxford University Press: NY.
23) Pratt, DN, Aberizk K, Guest RM, Williams TF, Bilgrami Z, Karp E, Walker, EF. Mittal VA (2019). Schizophrenia and Other Spectrum Disorders. In J.E. Maddox & B.A. Winstead (Eds.) Psychopathology: Foundations for a contemporary understanding (6th edition) Routledge: New York.